Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Teaching A Priceless Profession - 994 Words

Teaching: A Priceless Profession What if there was a career that not only inspired people to be lawyers and brain surgeons, but was also responsible for motivating the average fast food employee to take just as much pride and initiative in their work? Although most people underestimate the profound role that educators play in today’s society, teachers have a tremendous responsibility. They have the opportunity to not only challenge their students intellectually, but they can teach them how to gear what they have learned toward positive goals and how to use their knowledge for good. As a potential educator, it is my hope I can provide a stronger educational background for my students, but more importantly, they will leave my†¦show more content†¦That day a lowly coal miner made it out of there safely, saving eleven lives in the process. I can think of no better tribute to him than to continue passing the morals and principles that he taught me to my students. Young people need to understand that although others may appear to be better than them, they can still do great things with their lives. Young people today also need to be told that although a certain lifestyle may provide them riches, it may not provide them with happiness or respect. I am a firm believer that any job can be fulfilling if it makes you happy and as long as you give it your best. That is why I want to become a teacher. Education plays a very important role in today’s society. Through education, we can shape and mold young minds to become anything they want to be. During my field placement experience at Concord, I received the opportunity to observe a third grade class. After interviewing one of the male students, he told me about how sometimes the other students would tease him for being overweight. This made him feel as if he was not as important as the more popular children. As a teacher, I want my students to have an environment where they can learn to respect the other students, as well as themselves. This is why I want to major in Elementary Education. Elementary school students are at the age whenShow MoreRelatedThe Road to My Dreams Essay1294 Words   |  6 Pagescocurriculars, classes of various levels such as basic, academic, honors, or advanced placement, and various opportunities such as athletic sports. I have had a traditional high school experience, but the memories that I h ave made along the way have been priceless. It is sad for me to think that this amazing part of my life is almost over. During this time in my life, I tend to look back and reminisce on the moments that I shared throughout my high school experience. 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