Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Teaching A Priceless Profession - 994 Words

Teaching: A Priceless Profession What if there was a career that not only inspired people to be lawyers and brain surgeons, but was also responsible for motivating the average fast food employee to take just as much pride and initiative in their work? Although most people underestimate the profound role that educators play in today’s society, teachers have a tremendous responsibility. They have the opportunity to not only challenge their students intellectually, but they can teach them how to gear what they have learned toward positive goals and how to use their knowledge for good. As a potential educator, it is my hope I can provide a stronger educational background for my students, but more importantly, they will leave my†¦show more content†¦That day a lowly coal miner made it out of there safely, saving eleven lives in the process. I can think of no better tribute to him than to continue passing the morals and principles that he taught me to my students. Young people need to understand that although others may appear to be better than them, they can still do great things with their lives. Young people today also need to be told that although a certain lifestyle may provide them riches, it may not provide them with happiness or respect. I am a firm believer that any job can be fulfilling if it makes you happy and as long as you give it your best. That is why I want to become a teacher. Education plays a very important role in today’s society. Through education, we can shape and mold young minds to become anything they want to be. During my field placement experience at Concord, I received the opportunity to observe a third grade class. After interviewing one of the male students, he told me about how sometimes the other students would tease him for being overweight. This made him feel as if he was not as important as the more popular children. As a teacher, I want my students to have an environment where they can learn to respect the other students, as well as themselves. This is why I want to major in Elementary Education. Elementary school students are at the age whenShow MoreRelatedThe Road to My Dreams Essay1294 Words   |  6 Pagescocurriculars, classes of various levels such as basic, academic, honors, or advanced placement, and various opportunities such as athletic sports. I have had a traditional high school experience, but the memories that I h ave made along the way have been priceless. It is sad for me to think that this amazing part of my life is almost over. During this time in my life, I tend to look back and reminisce on the moments that I shared throughout my high school experience. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment Free Essays

string(208) " found through educational accomplishment, it is of import to detect that they mean a kid ‘s ain â€Å" personal accomplishment † and, possibly, will non ever be National Curriculum attainments\." The issue of the inclusion of kids with particular educational demands ( SEN ) into mainstream schools, enterprises and authorities policies has become non merely a modern-day political inquiry about the best manner to run the instruction system ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , but is for some, besides a argument on societal justness ( Conner and Ferri, 2007 ) . Rachael Hurst, undertaking manager of Disability Awareness in Action, feels that existent equality in the instruction system will merely be achieved when every kid with a disablement or particular educational demand has the right to all mainstream schooling ( Inham, 2000 ) . Similarly, Oliver ( 1996 ) argues that in being denied entree to the same course of study and enterprises as everyone else, the educational chances of kids with SEN will stay limited. We will write a custom essay sample on Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The definition of SEN is slightly defined In the Particular Educational Needs Code of Practice ( DfES, 2001a ) . It states on the one manus, that ‘there are no difficult and fast classs of particular educational demand ‘ , that ‘every kid is alone ‘ and that ‘there is a broad spectrum of particular educational demands that are often inter-related ‘ ( DfES, 2001a, Section 52 ) . Farrel ( 2003 ) high spots these as of import points when seeking to supply for any kid with an extra demand, or so any kid in your attention. On the other manus, it besides states that ‘there are specific demands that normally relate to peculiar types of damage ‘ , and that ‘individual students may hold demands which span two or more countries ‘ , however, the ‘needs and demands can usefully be organised into countries ‘ ( DfES, 2001a, Section 53 ) . These include communicating, knowledge, behavior, and sensory. It should be noted, nevert heless, that it is frequently the instance that all kids, irrespective of the SEN statement, could endure in one or more of these countries, and it is good pattern to cognize how to cover with these countries for the benefit of all kids. ( King-sears, 2008 ) . Contemporary authorities policy has tried to take answerability and show earnestness to this topic through statute law ( Warnock, 1978, Act on Children with Special Educational Needs, 1981, 2001. Education Reform Act, 1988 and the Education Bill, 1992 ) . The SEN codification of pattern, amongst other enterprises, was introduced to seek and guarantee that any kid, irrespective of demand, could hold their instruction provided for in a mainstream school ( DfES, 2001a ) , and should hold the intervention of any student in regard to entree and accomplishment ( DfEE, 1999, DfES, 2001a, B, 2003, 2004, 2006, DoH, 2001 ) . Possible future authorities policy besides shows a demand to go on bring forthing effectual programs to let all kids, irrespective of demand, to go to mainstream schools and achieve to the best of their abilities, with a â€Å" reappraisal of SEN proviso † perchance required ( Alexander, 2009, DCSF, 2009 ) . Both Mitchell ( 2005 ) and MacBeath ( 2006 ) are critical of whether it is really of all time possible to be to the full inclusive, and suggest that there are some barriers, to make with society and medical issues, that merely can non be removed. Burr ( 2003 ) suggests that these sole barriers are founded in the societal phenomena of our civilization, and it is this that develops into societal contexts, curtailing entree to minorities. This is otherwise known as social-constructionism. Burr goes on to propose that, in the instance of extra and complex demands, we have a societal context into which we place kids ‘s conditions and behavior, and it is this that decides what a kid is or is non capable of, in â€Å" our † mainstream society, this is otherwise known as internal kernels ( Fromm, 2001 ) . It is, hence of import to dispute this behavior as it is merely of all time a direct response to the state of affairs in which we find ourselves. We need to take kids ‘s behavior on a individual footing, and non let ourselves to take down their behavior to a word that will depict them, whatever their behavior ( Abrams et al, 2005, Young, 2008, Bearne, 1996 ) . Hardey ( 1998 ) and Makin ( 1995 ) extend this point by inquiring: who decides what an extra or complex demand is? The thought of whether a kid is functional or non is context-dependent. Practitioners can frequently fall victim to learning kids with â€Å" authoritative teaching method † for a â€Å" common † category. However, any kid who is unable to larn â€Å" usually † in those conditions is seen as handicapped, in good pattern or through societal context, this may ne’er be the instance. It is, so, argued that disablement is a map of the environment in which kids are constrained to larn, otherwise known as â€Å" the societal theoretical account of disablement † . It is up to the instructor to interrupt down the barriers that constrain kids ‘s engagement, if we can non ever interrupt them for the act of larning itself ( Ainscow, 1999, Rose et Al, 1993, Sebba et Al, 1994 ) . It is non merely sociological factors which need to be addressed, there are besides the psychological theories of labelling, life opportunities ( Meighau A ; Harber, 2007 Norwich A ; Kelly, 2004 ) and the lowering of educational outlooks ( Hayes, 2004 ) . â€Å" Students tend to execute every bit good, or every bit severely as their instructors or society expects them to. † ( Meighau A ; Harber, 2007 p.367 ) This can be communicated to them often in unwilled or unconscious ways, otherwise known as â€Å" self fulfilling prognostication † which will damage a kid ‘s self-concept. This calls for instructors to be cognizant when utilizing SEN statement labels, or so, any aberrant behavior by a kid, as a opinion to their acquisition or environmental demands. Practitioners can utilize their opinions and scrutinies of a individual being labelled as a usher, but should ever acquire to cognize their scholars and pull their ain decisions about their demands ( Bearne, 1996, Meighau A ; Harber, 2007, Cheminais, 2007 ) . Hayes ( 2004 ) , Ainscow ( 1999 ) and Cheminais ( 2007 ) all topographic point importance on non utilizing the extra or complex demands of kids as an alibi to take down educational outlooks. Hayes suggests that self-pride is to be found through educational accomplishment, it is of import to detect that they mean a kid ‘s ain â€Å" personal accomplishment † and, possibly, will non ever be National Curriculum attainments. You read "Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment" in category "Essay examples" The suggestion is the thought of â€Å" value added † being introduced ( Hayes, 2004, Alexander, 2009 ) . Hayes suggests this is merely possible through seeking to restrict barriers to larning ( as medically accomplishable ) , by interrupting down every bit many possible barriers to engagement, otherwise known as holding equal worth for scholars ( Rogers, 1983 ) . There besides needs to be a â€Å" positive and unconditioned respect † for all scholars ( Hayes, 2004, p134, Griddens, 1998 ) . Ecclestone ( 2003 ) and Bearne ( 1996 ) suggest that instructors need to hold the outlook to do it unacceptable to utilize barriers to engagement as an alibi for a kid to be unable to take part in an activity, change it so that they can make it ( Nind et Al, 2005 ) ! The direction of these barriers to engagement can be aided by three theoretical patterns. One, being the basic construct of cognizing your scholars ‘ ( Norwich A ; Kelly, 2004, Nind et Al, 2005 ) distinction of the course of study to accommodate everyone ( King-sears, 2008, Bearne, 1999, McNamara A ; Moreton, 1997 ) and, two, effectual summative and formative appraisal, informing future pattern. King-sears ( 2008 ) really states that â€Å" a assortment of adaptable teaching methods are effectual for pupils with and without disablements † ( 2008, p55 ) . Research has shown that the general instruction course of study, with aid from distinction, can guarantee that all scholars be educated successfully ( Cole, 2005 ) . Rose and Meyer ( 2000a, B ) propose the enterprise of â€Å" cosmopolitan design acquisition † . These are techniques based on three classs, foremost, how the acquisition is represented to the kids ( for illustration ocular or haptic methods ) , secondly, the surrender to the fact that kids engage in larning activities in varied ways, and thirdly, the simple fact that kids may wish to show their acquisition in different ways ( spoken, drawn or written ) . If this ideal can be used in concurrence with Nind et Al ‘s ( 2005 ) strategy of planning, learning and measuring extra educational demands, with related teaching methods to cover the declared demands, so this will, non merely interrupt down the barriers to engagement for kids of SEN, but will besides help all scholars ( Solity and Bull, 1987 ) . These two patterns will assist in the preparation of future learning through both types of appraisal. Norwich A ; Kelly ( 2004 ) give testimony to the instance of self-assessment non being entirely for mainstream students, all kids have critical sentiments on how they see their acquisition taking topographic point, and this information should ever inform your hereafter pattern and teaching method ( Bearne. 1999 ) . The SEN codification of pattern ( 2001a ) suggests the usage of Individual Education Plans ( IEPs ) when covering with extra and complex demands. These are be aftering paperss, which besides inform learning and lend to monitoring, entering and describing a student ‘s advancement and attainment. They, like the other patterns suggested earlier, recommend the puting out of attacks such as distinction of instruction, and reacting to the larning demands of students with SEN. The DfES ( 2001b ) continues this and suggests that IEPs are a tool for planning, learning and reexamining intercessions for students with extra or complex demands. This can sometimes be through the usage of other educational professionals, when the barriers to larning are excessively great. The program should put out the content, methods and frequence of cognition, and the apprehension and accomplishments to be taught through carefully selected activities. However, as stated throughout this assignment and advoc ated by readings ( Bearne, 1999, Ainscow, 1999 ) IEPs every bit good as statements are utile to any practician as a usher and construction, it should ne’er be that these are extra or different to proviso provided by a thoughtful instructor presenting a differentiated course of study to all their scholars ( Nind et Al, 2005 ) . It comes down to the point of single scholars, whether it be a statemented kid or a highly-gifted one, they are helpful in the sense that they can demo medically when a kid may be unable to take part in some acquisition through the assistance of partnership and SENCOs ( Farrel, 2003 ) . While it is of import to hold a full apprehension of the deductions of pattern in general footings, it is of class vital to hold practical schemes that can be implemented in the schoolroom context. Throughout this faculty, through arrangement and private reading, I have come to hold on many practical schemes including instructional ( King-sears, 2008 ) , patterning and motivating ( Cass et al, 2003 ) , co-operative acquisition, staging, ( Westwood, 1997 ) peer-mediated tutoring ( Greenwood et al, 2001 ) , collaborative strategic reading ( Kings-sear, 2008 ) , content country acquisition ( Vaughn et al 2001 ) , larning Centres ( King-sear 2008 ) , a caring teaching method ( Corbett, 1992 ) , preciseness instruction ( Kessissoglou et al 1995 ) , circle clip ( Curry 1997 ) , behaviour contracts ( Westwood, 1997 ) , cross-curricular or connective teaching method ( Ainscow, 1999 ) , partnership instruction ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , single LO ‘s, stars and a wish, success standards, WILF/ WOLF, self appraisal ( Ofsted, 2002, Westwood, 1997 ) , centripetal narratives ( Peirce, 2010 ) , person-centred planning ( Kincaid, 2006 ) , cue cards, in writing facilitation, speaking mats ( Taylor, 2007 ) , and larning outside the schoolroom ( Dowling, 2005, DfES, 2006 ) . Some personal illustrations of schemes successfully brought into pattern in my experience include the usage of distinction of scholars through group LO ‘s and WOLF/WILF ‘s ( Appendix 1 ) . On 2nd twelvemonth arrangement I had a motor impaired kid who struggled to take part with his equals in written undertakings. To battle this I altered my pattern, and changed the tools the kid was utilizing, by increasing the paper size and giving him a pencil clasp to guarantee there was no barrier to engagement. I besides went to a school to bring forth a literacy twenty-four hours on behalf of the university, and was put in charge of a group with an autistic kid. I spoke with her SENCO and we worked together to enable her to take part in the activities. We adjusted the teaching method to be more directly-instructive, guaranting her name was specifically used in any direction, and ensured she was confident in her play function, explicating the manner the twenty-four hours was planned out to her, and it was agreed that the twenty-four hours was a immense success for her, the SENCO, her equals and myself. Merely as of import, though, is cognizing when there is such a barrier to larning that you, as a mainstream practician, are unable to cover with a kid ‘s demand in a mainstream scene. This was the instance with a kid who was EAL but besides suffered from a cleft lip and roof of the mouth and found, at that clip, verbal communicating excessively hard, and would hold some critical lessons to help her development through another professional, viz. a address healer, that was better for that kid at that clip. In decision to this faculty I have learnt that while statute law can be critically reflected upon to such an extent that it is seen as nil more than dashing rhetoric ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , it is finally up to the attention, expertness and the thrust of instructors to seek and accomplish these demands as best they can. Pull offing diverse and complex demands is something that can be done in mainstream schools if you allocate yourself clip and energy to desiring to make it, and besides by acquiring to cognize all your students ‘ demands. It is necessary that practicians understand that barriers to larning can non ever be broken due to medical grounds, this is critical, merely as it is critical that practicians know they do hold the power to interrupt down the barriers to participation through good working, brooding pattern, good partnerships and, eventually, cognizing their scholars! This concluding point can non be stressed plenty. How to cite Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Seasons Antonio Vivaldi free essay sample

The Four Seasons, constitute one of the best known and best loved collections of string repertory in our time. Their programmatic nature makes them easily accessible to a general audience. † Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is now said to be the most popular piece of classical conservative, pastoral-flavored backwater for the next four decades. It is the most recorded work of all time; and according to The Rough Guide to Classical Music, there are over 150 versions to date. This concerto, written in the 18th century, represents the crowning achievement in Baroque programme music during a period of extended musical expressionism in Venice and throughout Italy. Although this work ranks high in popularity, little known facts about the â€Å"Four Seasons† is that for each of the four violin concertos –â€Å"Spring,† â€Å"Summer,† â€Å"Autumn,† and â€Å"Winter†Vivaldi penned four sonnets to accompany each selection. This detailed research paper examines the origin and construction specifically Concerto No. We will write a custom essay sample on Seasons Antonio Vivaldi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page of Op. 8 Nos. 1-4 in a way that enables the reader to distinguish what is extraordinary about this work, what constitutes the composer’s method of illustrating the solo concerto, and how Vivaldi’s brilliance takes us to a new and profound level of understanding the delights of programme music.