Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Teaching A Priceless Profession - 994 Words

Teaching: A Priceless Profession What if there was a career that not only inspired people to be lawyers and brain surgeons, but was also responsible for motivating the average fast food employee to take just as much pride and initiative in their work? Although most people underestimate the profound role that educators play in today’s society, teachers have a tremendous responsibility. They have the opportunity to not only challenge their students intellectually, but they can teach them how to gear what they have learned toward positive goals and how to use their knowledge for good. As a potential educator, it is my hope I can provide a stronger educational background for my students, but more importantly, they will leave my†¦show more content†¦That day a lowly coal miner made it out of there safely, saving eleven lives in the process. I can think of no better tribute to him than to continue passing the morals and principles that he taught me to my students. Young people need to understand that although others may appear to be better than them, they can still do great things with their lives. Young people today also need to be told that although a certain lifestyle may provide them riches, it may not provide them with happiness or respect. I am a firm believer that any job can be fulfilling if it makes you happy and as long as you give it your best. That is why I want to become a teacher. Education plays a very important role in today’s society. Through education, we can shape and mold young minds to become anything they want to be. During my field placement experience at Concord, I received the opportunity to observe a third grade class. After interviewing one of the male students, he told me about how sometimes the other students would tease him for being overweight. This made him feel as if he was not as important as the more popular children. As a teacher, I want my students to have an environment where they can learn to respect the other students, as well as themselves. This is why I want to major in Elementary Education. Elementary school students are at the age whenShow MoreRelatedThe Road to My Dreams Essay1294 Words   |  6 Pagescocurriculars, classes of various levels such as basic, academic, honors, or advanced placement, and various opportunities such as athletic sports. I have had a traditional high school experience, but the memories that I h ave made along the way have been priceless. It is sad for me to think that this amazing part of my life is almost over. During this time in my life, I tend to look back and reminisce on the moments that I shared throughout my high school experience. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment Free Essays

string(208) " found through educational accomplishment, it is of import to detect that they mean a kid ‘s ain â€Å" personal accomplishment † and, possibly, will non ever be National Curriculum attainments\." The issue of the inclusion of kids with particular educational demands ( SEN ) into mainstream schools, enterprises and authorities policies has become non merely a modern-day political inquiry about the best manner to run the instruction system ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , but is for some, besides a argument on societal justness ( Conner and Ferri, 2007 ) . Rachael Hurst, undertaking manager of Disability Awareness in Action, feels that existent equality in the instruction system will merely be achieved when every kid with a disablement or particular educational demand has the right to all mainstream schooling ( Inham, 2000 ) . Similarly, Oliver ( 1996 ) argues that in being denied entree to the same course of study and enterprises as everyone else, the educational chances of kids with SEN will stay limited. We will write a custom essay sample on Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The definition of SEN is slightly defined In the Particular Educational Needs Code of Practice ( DfES, 2001a ) . It states on the one manus, that ‘there are no difficult and fast classs of particular educational demand ‘ , that ‘every kid is alone ‘ and that ‘there is a broad spectrum of particular educational demands that are often inter-related ‘ ( DfES, 2001a, Section 52 ) . Farrel ( 2003 ) high spots these as of import points when seeking to supply for any kid with an extra demand, or so any kid in your attention. On the other manus, it besides states that ‘there are specific demands that normally relate to peculiar types of damage ‘ , and that ‘individual students may hold demands which span two or more countries ‘ , however, the ‘needs and demands can usefully be organised into countries ‘ ( DfES, 2001a, Section 53 ) . These include communicating, knowledge, behavior, and sensory. It should be noted, nevert heless, that it is frequently the instance that all kids, irrespective of the SEN statement, could endure in one or more of these countries, and it is good pattern to cognize how to cover with these countries for the benefit of all kids. ( King-sears, 2008 ) . Contemporary authorities policy has tried to take answerability and show earnestness to this topic through statute law ( Warnock, 1978, Act on Children with Special Educational Needs, 1981, 2001. Education Reform Act, 1988 and the Education Bill, 1992 ) . The SEN codification of pattern, amongst other enterprises, was introduced to seek and guarantee that any kid, irrespective of demand, could hold their instruction provided for in a mainstream school ( DfES, 2001a ) , and should hold the intervention of any student in regard to entree and accomplishment ( DfEE, 1999, DfES, 2001a, B, 2003, 2004, 2006, DoH, 2001 ) . Possible future authorities policy besides shows a demand to go on bring forthing effectual programs to let all kids, irrespective of demand, to go to mainstream schools and achieve to the best of their abilities, with a â€Å" reappraisal of SEN proviso † perchance required ( Alexander, 2009, DCSF, 2009 ) . Both Mitchell ( 2005 ) and MacBeath ( 2006 ) are critical of whether it is really of all time possible to be to the full inclusive, and suggest that there are some barriers, to make with society and medical issues, that merely can non be removed. Burr ( 2003 ) suggests that these sole barriers are founded in the societal phenomena of our civilization, and it is this that develops into societal contexts, curtailing entree to minorities. This is otherwise known as social-constructionism. Burr goes on to propose that, in the instance of extra and complex demands, we have a societal context into which we place kids ‘s conditions and behavior, and it is this that decides what a kid is or is non capable of, in â€Å" our † mainstream society, this is otherwise known as internal kernels ( Fromm, 2001 ) . It is, hence of import to dispute this behavior as it is merely of all time a direct response to the state of affairs in which we find ourselves. We need to take kids ‘s behavior on a individual footing, and non let ourselves to take down their behavior to a word that will depict them, whatever their behavior ( Abrams et al, 2005, Young, 2008, Bearne, 1996 ) . Hardey ( 1998 ) and Makin ( 1995 ) extend this point by inquiring: who decides what an extra or complex demand is? The thought of whether a kid is functional or non is context-dependent. Practitioners can frequently fall victim to learning kids with â€Å" authoritative teaching method † for a â€Å" common † category. However, any kid who is unable to larn â€Å" usually † in those conditions is seen as handicapped, in good pattern or through societal context, this may ne’er be the instance. It is, so, argued that disablement is a map of the environment in which kids are constrained to larn, otherwise known as â€Å" the societal theoretical account of disablement † . It is up to the instructor to interrupt down the barriers that constrain kids ‘s engagement, if we can non ever interrupt them for the act of larning itself ( Ainscow, 1999, Rose et Al, 1993, Sebba et Al, 1994 ) . It is non merely sociological factors which need to be addressed, there are besides the psychological theories of labelling, life opportunities ( Meighau A ; Harber, 2007 Norwich A ; Kelly, 2004 ) and the lowering of educational outlooks ( Hayes, 2004 ) . â€Å" Students tend to execute every bit good, or every bit severely as their instructors or society expects them to. † ( Meighau A ; Harber, 2007 p.367 ) This can be communicated to them often in unwilled or unconscious ways, otherwise known as â€Å" self fulfilling prognostication † which will damage a kid ‘s self-concept. This calls for instructors to be cognizant when utilizing SEN statement labels, or so, any aberrant behavior by a kid, as a opinion to their acquisition or environmental demands. Practitioners can utilize their opinions and scrutinies of a individual being labelled as a usher, but should ever acquire to cognize their scholars and pull their ain decisions about their demands ( Bearne, 1996, Meighau A ; Harber, 2007, Cheminais, 2007 ) . Hayes ( 2004 ) , Ainscow ( 1999 ) and Cheminais ( 2007 ) all topographic point importance on non utilizing the extra or complex demands of kids as an alibi to take down educational outlooks. Hayes suggests that self-pride is to be found through educational accomplishment, it is of import to detect that they mean a kid ‘s ain â€Å" personal accomplishment † and, possibly, will non ever be National Curriculum attainments. You read "Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment" in category "Essay examples" The suggestion is the thought of â€Å" value added † being introduced ( Hayes, 2004, Alexander, 2009 ) . Hayes suggests this is merely possible through seeking to restrict barriers to larning ( as medically accomplishable ) , by interrupting down every bit many possible barriers to engagement, otherwise known as holding equal worth for scholars ( Rogers, 1983 ) . There besides needs to be a â€Å" positive and unconditioned respect † for all scholars ( Hayes, 2004, p134, Griddens, 1998 ) . Ecclestone ( 2003 ) and Bearne ( 1996 ) suggest that instructors need to hold the outlook to do it unacceptable to utilize barriers to engagement as an alibi for a kid to be unable to take part in an activity, change it so that they can make it ( Nind et Al, 2005 ) ! The direction of these barriers to engagement can be aided by three theoretical patterns. One, being the basic construct of cognizing your scholars ‘ ( Norwich A ; Kelly, 2004, Nind et Al, 2005 ) distinction of the course of study to accommodate everyone ( King-sears, 2008, Bearne, 1999, McNamara A ; Moreton, 1997 ) and, two, effectual summative and formative appraisal, informing future pattern. King-sears ( 2008 ) really states that â€Å" a assortment of adaptable teaching methods are effectual for pupils with and without disablements † ( 2008, p55 ) . Research has shown that the general instruction course of study, with aid from distinction, can guarantee that all scholars be educated successfully ( Cole, 2005 ) . Rose and Meyer ( 2000a, B ) propose the enterprise of â€Å" cosmopolitan design acquisition † . These are techniques based on three classs, foremost, how the acquisition is represented to the kids ( for illustration ocular or haptic methods ) , secondly, the surrender to the fact that kids engage in larning activities in varied ways, and thirdly, the simple fact that kids may wish to show their acquisition in different ways ( spoken, drawn or written ) . If this ideal can be used in concurrence with Nind et Al ‘s ( 2005 ) strategy of planning, learning and measuring extra educational demands, with related teaching methods to cover the declared demands, so this will, non merely interrupt down the barriers to engagement for kids of SEN, but will besides help all scholars ( Solity and Bull, 1987 ) . These two patterns will assist in the preparation of future learning through both types of appraisal. Norwich A ; Kelly ( 2004 ) give testimony to the instance of self-assessment non being entirely for mainstream students, all kids have critical sentiments on how they see their acquisition taking topographic point, and this information should ever inform your hereafter pattern and teaching method ( Bearne. 1999 ) . The SEN codification of pattern ( 2001a ) suggests the usage of Individual Education Plans ( IEPs ) when covering with extra and complex demands. These are be aftering paperss, which besides inform learning and lend to monitoring, entering and describing a student ‘s advancement and attainment. They, like the other patterns suggested earlier, recommend the puting out of attacks such as distinction of instruction, and reacting to the larning demands of students with SEN. The DfES ( 2001b ) continues this and suggests that IEPs are a tool for planning, learning and reexamining intercessions for students with extra or complex demands. This can sometimes be through the usage of other educational professionals, when the barriers to larning are excessively great. The program should put out the content, methods and frequence of cognition, and the apprehension and accomplishments to be taught through carefully selected activities. However, as stated throughout this assignment and advoc ated by readings ( Bearne, 1999, Ainscow, 1999 ) IEPs every bit good as statements are utile to any practician as a usher and construction, it should ne’er be that these are extra or different to proviso provided by a thoughtful instructor presenting a differentiated course of study to all their scholars ( Nind et Al, 2005 ) . It comes down to the point of single scholars, whether it be a statemented kid or a highly-gifted one, they are helpful in the sense that they can demo medically when a kid may be unable to take part in some acquisition through the assistance of partnership and SENCOs ( Farrel, 2003 ) . While it is of import to hold a full apprehension of the deductions of pattern in general footings, it is of class vital to hold practical schemes that can be implemented in the schoolroom context. Throughout this faculty, through arrangement and private reading, I have come to hold on many practical schemes including instructional ( King-sears, 2008 ) , patterning and motivating ( Cass et al, 2003 ) , co-operative acquisition, staging, ( Westwood, 1997 ) peer-mediated tutoring ( Greenwood et al, 2001 ) , collaborative strategic reading ( Kings-sear, 2008 ) , content country acquisition ( Vaughn et al 2001 ) , larning Centres ( King-sear 2008 ) , a caring teaching method ( Corbett, 1992 ) , preciseness instruction ( Kessissoglou et al 1995 ) , circle clip ( Curry 1997 ) , behaviour contracts ( Westwood, 1997 ) , cross-curricular or connective teaching method ( Ainscow, 1999 ) , partnership instruction ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , single LO ‘s, stars and a wish, success standards, WILF/ WOLF, self appraisal ( Ofsted, 2002, Westwood, 1997 ) , centripetal narratives ( Peirce, 2010 ) , person-centred planning ( Kincaid, 2006 ) , cue cards, in writing facilitation, speaking mats ( Taylor, 2007 ) , and larning outside the schoolroom ( Dowling, 2005, DfES, 2006 ) . Some personal illustrations of schemes successfully brought into pattern in my experience include the usage of distinction of scholars through group LO ‘s and WOLF/WILF ‘s ( Appendix 1 ) . On 2nd twelvemonth arrangement I had a motor impaired kid who struggled to take part with his equals in written undertakings. To battle this I altered my pattern, and changed the tools the kid was utilizing, by increasing the paper size and giving him a pencil clasp to guarantee there was no barrier to engagement. I besides went to a school to bring forth a literacy twenty-four hours on behalf of the university, and was put in charge of a group with an autistic kid. I spoke with her SENCO and we worked together to enable her to take part in the activities. We adjusted the teaching method to be more directly-instructive, guaranting her name was specifically used in any direction, and ensured she was confident in her play function, explicating the manner the twenty-four hours was planned out to her, and it was agreed that the twenty-four hours was a immense success for her, the SENCO, her equals and myself. Merely as of import, though, is cognizing when there is such a barrier to larning that you, as a mainstream practician, are unable to cover with a kid ‘s demand in a mainstream scene. This was the instance with a kid who was EAL but besides suffered from a cleft lip and roof of the mouth and found, at that clip, verbal communicating excessively hard, and would hold some critical lessons to help her development through another professional, viz. a address healer, that was better for that kid at that clip. In decision to this faculty I have learnt that while statute law can be critically reflected upon to such an extent that it is seen as nil more than dashing rhetoric ( MacBeath, 2006 ) , it is finally up to the attention, expertness and the thrust of instructors to seek and accomplish these demands as best they can. Pull offing diverse and complex demands is something that can be done in mainstream schools if you allocate yourself clip and energy to desiring to make it, and besides by acquiring to cognize all your students ‘ demands. It is necessary that practicians understand that barriers to larning can non ever be broken due to medical grounds, this is critical, merely as it is critical that practicians know they do hold the power to interrupt down the barriers to participation through good working, brooding pattern, good partnerships and, eventually, cognizing their scholars! This concluding point can non be stressed plenty. How to cite Including all Learners in the Classroom Enviroment, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Seasons Antonio Vivaldi free essay sample

The Four Seasons, constitute one of the best known and best loved collections of string repertory in our time. Their programmatic nature makes them easily accessible to a general audience. † Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is now said to be the most popular piece of classical conservative, pastoral-flavored backwater for the next four decades. It is the most recorded work of all time; and according to The Rough Guide to Classical Music, there are over 150 versions to date. This concerto, written in the 18th century, represents the crowning achievement in Baroque programme music during a period of extended musical expressionism in Venice and throughout Italy. Although this work ranks high in popularity, little known facts about the â€Å"Four Seasons† is that for each of the four violin concertos –â€Å"Spring,† â€Å"Summer,† â€Å"Autumn,† and â€Å"Winter†Vivaldi penned four sonnets to accompany each selection. This detailed research paper examines the origin and construction specifically Concerto No. We will write a custom essay sample on Seasons Antonio Vivaldi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page of Op. 8 Nos. 1-4 in a way that enables the reader to distinguish what is extraordinary about this work, what constitutes the composer’s method of illustrating the solo concerto, and how Vivaldi’s brilliance takes us to a new and profound level of understanding the delights of programme music.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Risk and Currently Used Form free essay sample

Joe and His Birds Many often use the idiom A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush in everyday conversations. But what does this commonly used phrase actually mean, and where did it come from? According to www. phrases. org, it means that it is better to have a lesser but certain advantage than the possibility of a greater one that may come to nothing. The origin of this proverb refers back to mediaeval falconry where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was a valuable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush (the prey). The first citation of the expression in print in its currently used form is found in John Rays A Hand-book of Proverbs, 1670, in which he lists it as: A [also one] bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. By how long the phrase predates Rays publishing isnt clear, as variants of it were known for centuries before 1670. We will write a custom essay sample on Risk and Currently Used Form or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The earliest English version of the proverb is from the Bible and was translated into English in Wycliffes version in 1382, although Latin texts have it from the 13th century. The assumption that many people believe to be true is that having something that s certain is much better than taking a risk for more, because chances are you might lose everything. A bird in the hand is yours, and it is not going anywhere unless you let it go, but if you leave and go for two in the bush, there is no guarantee you will catch them, and you might end up with nothing in the end. In essence do not be greedy and stick with what good things you have, instead of going after things you will probably never get. Yes this does deem to be true, however if you look deeper and beyond the text, you will see that this statement can be refuted changing the whole outlook and way this proverb can be used. Lets take a look! Many achievements involve taking risks, and if you do not take risks you may not reach your ultimate goal. That leads to A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush if you are satisfied with being an average Joe. Average meaning middle, and Joe being a common first name usually of a male. An ordinary Joe, is an ordinary man who does ordinary things Just like everyone else around him. He refuses to go against the grain and branch out, overall being different from his peers. This type of person will not step outside their comfort zone in order to be successful, meaning that they stay ontent with where they are or what they are doing in life instead of challenging themselves to become even more successful. Without risk and Just keeping the one bird in your hand, you loose the ability to grow physically and spiritually hindering you to discover new things about the world and its surroundings. I would venture to say that Michael Dell of Dell computers or Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation did not succumb to the adage of playing it safe. When it comes to risk taking, some people are terrified of taking reasonable risks, resulting in a life thats flat and lackluster. For xample: Two dollars (two birds in the bush) are significantly greater than one dollar ( one bird in hand). A homeless guy off the streets has not eaten in days and wants to buy something at the nearest fast food restaurant to eat. He has one dollar and therefore can not even buy something off of the dollar menu after tax. Contrastingly a goes hungry. Put yourself in that position. Would you risk it all if it meant you could eat and survive one more day? Or would you Just sit back and starve to death? Alternately take the example of investing in the stock market versus your average saving account. In a savings account you will never lose your deposit amount. In the stock market if the economy dips or the corporation does bad, you can actually lose some if not all of your initial deposit. Which risk will you take? The chance of sticking with the status quo, or striking it rich? According to Dan Borge, in The Book of Risk, risk means being exposed to the possibility of a bad outcome, and risk management means taking deliberate action to shift the odds in your favor. He says that we are already risk managers, since we make risk decisions every day, often without thinking about it things as simple as etting out of bed, lighting up a cigarette, getting in your car or putting money in the stock market. While you dont need to agonize over every decision, it is the big, life- changing risks that we face only a handful of times in our lives that can stop us in our tracks. But if we dont step up to the challenge, we may find ourselves living a life that bores us, that has no dynamics or color. By avoiding any kind of risk, we systematically shut down our world, making it smaller, flatter and grayer. That is why A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush if you are satisfied with being an average Joe.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Harry Potter and Friendship essays

Harry Potter and Friendship essays Harry Potter's first three years at Hogwarts were certainly filled with danger and excitement, but that was nothing compared to the fourth! For an exciting difference, instead of playing Quidditch, two students from Hogwarts, one being Harry, competed against two other schools in The Triwizard Tournament. Not to mention that Harry came face to face with his worst enemy and barely walked away from the encounter. There were also new friendships formed, as well as old friendships maimed. Without friendship, Harry Potter could not have survived his fourth year at Hogwarts. Sometimes someone who is considered a friend could actually be an enemy. In Harry's case, Mad-Eye Moody was an enemy in disguise. Mad-Eye Moody was hired as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He befriended Harry and aided him in succeeding his tasks for the Triwizard Tournament. Later Harry had discovered that Mad-Eye Moody was actually Barty Crouch, who is a follower of Voldemort. He only assisted Harry at winning so that he would be murdered by Voldemort. "'Who put your name in the Goblet of Fire, under the name of a different school? I did. Who frightened off every person I thought might try to hurt you or prevent you from winning the tournament? I did. Who nudged Hagrid into showing you the dragons? I did. Who helped you see the only way you could beat the dragons? I did.' said Mad-Eye Moody"(Rowling 676). Strong friendships can also be ruined by jealousy. Because Harry is always in the spotlight, Ron never gets his moment to shine. He feels left out and envies how his best friend is always in the paper, and how Harry Potter is a household name. "'Look,' said Hermione patiently, 'it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it's not your fault,' she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. 'I know you don't ask for it... but well you know, Ron's got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you're ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

ACT Tutoring

How To Save Money on SAT/ACT Tutoring SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As you may have seen in some of my other articles on tutoring, if there's one thing you need to know about tutoring, it's this: tutoring is expensive, particularly high quality tutoring. In fact, I've even written an entire article devoted to the topic of how much you should pay for SAT/ACT tutoring. So how can you save money on SAT/ACT tutoring? Let me give you a few tips, tailored around the case studies of 3 hypothetical students. feature image credit: Money – Savings by 401(K) 2012, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped from original. Case 1: Anthony - Comprehensive Tutoring Anthony and his parents have decided he needs a tutor to help him with his ACT test prep and bring his composite score up. He took a timed practice test and scored 23 on Reading, 30 on English, 30 on Math, and 20 on Science, giving him a composite score of 26. His scores seem all over the place, and he isn’t exactly sure where to start with his studying. Anthony's family can’t afford a lot of tutoring. Originally, they thought they could save money by hiring a cheap tutor – maybe some high school student who aced the ACT and is charging $30/hour. After all, a $30/hr tutor could make Anthony's budget stretch to many more hours of tutoring than a more expensive tutor, and more hours are always better, right? Probably not. Getting a low quality tutor, even if she's only charging $30/hr, is a waste of time and money for many students. Why? A high school student who's only charging you $30/hr may be able to help with explaining the answers to practice tests, but it is unlikely that she will have the skills and experience necessary to help with comprehensive test prep.For someone like Anthony, who doesn't know what he needs to study, or how he should plan his studying, or where his weaknesses lie, someone who just helps with practice test answers would not be helpful. Cost-Saving Recommendation for Comprehensive Tutoring: Instead, we'd recommend Anthony hire a higher quality tutor, but for fewer hours. How come? Higher quality tutors are able to help you set the stage for your studying outside of tutoring sessions. This means that you are able to stretch what you can get - if you end up spending 9 hours using what the tutor taught you in one $60/hour test prep session, you're effectively paying $6/hour for tutoring. Not too shabby! Anthony goes with a $60/hr tutor for two sessions over the course of 4 weeks, and learns how to better plan his studying and what he needs to focus on. His tutor finds that Anthony is overwhelmed by the large amount of information presented in the Reading and Science questions, and so focuses Anthony's study around becoming more comfortable with the Reading and Science sections and drilling these questions. Anthony creates a study plan with his tutor for 6 hours of study a week, scheduling in practice tests and time to review his mistakes. Even after Anthony's 2 sessions with the tutor are over, he's able to use the study schedule his tutor devised to guide his test prep, right up until testing day. When he takes the ACT for real, he gets a 32 on Reading, 31 on English, 30 on Math, and 30 on Science – huge leaps in achievement for a minor investment in tutoring time. Case 2: Carmela -Partial Tutoring Carmela took the SAT in December and got a 740 on CR, 640 on Writing, and 660 on Math. She’s applying to college as a humanities major, so she really needs to get her score up on the Writing section. What are Carmela's issues with SAT Writing? Well, she keeps messing up the hardest writing questions, and she doesn't really know how to improve her SAT essay. After all, she's good at writing essays in school - shouldn't that just carry over? Why should she bother studying something she's good at in school? Carmela doesn't know how to plan her essay prep and in any case is unmotivated to do so. Cost-Saving Recommendation for PartialTutoring: How does Carmela overcome these obstacles? She gets tutoring only for the hardest problems and for high-level study planning and motivation. Carmela hires a tutor for $50/hr for 4 sessions over 8 weeks. The tutor figures out that Carmela is getting the hardest Writing questions wrong when the answer choices are technically correct but worded in a way they would never appear in real life. She also discovers that Carmela is using mostly abstract reasoning in her practice essays, rather than concrete examples. Carmela's tutor sets out a study schedule for Carmela: half an hour of practice on the hardest writing questions every other day. On the off days, the tutor tells Carmela to start coming up with some historical, literary, or pop culture events that she can mine for examples on the SAT essay, like World War II or The Hunger Games; if she knows a few historical events or pieces of literature really well, she will be able to take examples from them for nearly any SAT essay topic. In addition to giving Carmela specific tutoring tips, the tutor helps Carmela figure out that her target Writing score is a 720, and so she needs to improve by 80 points. With concrete information on how much she needs to improve and how to do so, Carmela is motivated to study for the SAT outside of tutoring as well as during tutoring sessions. After 2 months of tutoring, Carmela takes the SAT again and gets 730 on CR, 730 on Writing, and 690 on Math – a much better score report for a prospective humanities student. Another alternative: If Carmela had only had issues with hardest Writing problems, she could have tried tutoring combined with another test prep strategy, like tutoring and a self-guided online prep program, or tutoring and focused self-study. In this particular case, since Carmela was struggling with motivation to improve her essay as well as with the hardest Writing problems, it made more sense for her to get tutoring that would help her with both. Case 3: Marie -A Limited Budget for Tutoring Marie took the SAT in October of her junior year and got a 660 on CR, 600 on Writing, and 570 on Math. After focused math self-studying, she retook the SAT in March and got a 640 on CR, 620 on Writing, and 740 on Math, which brings her composite superscore up from 1830 to 2020. Marie has a very limited budget ($120), but really wants to solidify her chances of getting into Smith College. The middle 50% of first years who enter Smith have composite SAT scores ranging from 1870-2190, so to increase her chances of getting in, Marie really needs to get her total SAT score to at or above 2190...which is a 170 point increase. How does Marie decide if she should get tutoring? Marie considers her overall budget and her current test prep progress. Can she achieve her results within her current system, or does she need a tutor? Cost-Saving Recommendation for Limited Tutoring Budget: Marie concludes that because she was able to improve her Math score with self-study, she can probably apply the same methods to studying for the Critical Reading and Writing sections. What were these methods? She took timed practice tests, marking every question she wasn't sure about, and thoroughly reviewed the questions she got wrong and the questions she guessed on but got right. During her prep for the SAT Math section, Marie discovered that she had a tendency to rush through reading the question because she was so nervous that she would run out of time, which led to her often answering the wrong question. She spent hours drilling herself on actual SAT Math questions in her weakest areas, elementary algebra and plane geometry, slowly but surely increasing the speed at which she could answer the questions, which in turn helped her slow down when reading the questions. Marie decides that since Smith superscores the SAT (combines the highest scores for each section across all testing dates), and she clearly has an effective test-prep method, she will take the SAT 2 more times (a cost of $105), once after having focused on Writing and once after having focused on Critical Reading. She does and scores 750 on Writing and 790 on Critical Reading, bringing her overall score up to 2280 - well above the composite she needs to get into Smith. So how does this apply to you? Let’s take a look at the tips I mention above, distilled down into a series of hypotheticals. How Can I Save Money on SAT/ACT Tutoring? Do you want the best test prep, bar none? Then get high quality, expensive tutoring. Want good prep but have a limited budget, like Anthony? Spend your money on a higher quality tutor for a shorter amount of time. Only need focused prep, like Carmela? Get a high quality tutor who can focus on that section so you don't buy hours for the other sections. Have a strict budget that limits tutoring? Then use another prep program, and add tutoring sparingly for high level stuff. Is your current method effective? Keep careful watch on how you do on practice and actual tests, note where you need to improve (by section and within a section), and then take more official tests. If your score plateaus, you should consider other options. If you hit your target scores, like Marie did, then you're all set! Use these tips to help you save on tutoring when studying for the SAT/ACT. Dollars by 401(K) 2012, used under CC BY-SA 2.0. What’s Next The best way to save money on tutoring is to make sure you’re getting the best tutor for you. How do you do this? Read more about it here. What should you be looking for in a tutor, anyway? Check out my article on what makes an effective tutor. Want to find out more about PrepScholar Tutoring Program? PrepScholar co-founder Fred Zhang has the article for you. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analyze and discuss the article The Case for Contamination by Kwame Essay

Analyze and discuss the article The Case for Contamination by Kwame Anthony Appiah (from a religious perspective) - Essay Example In this regard, I believe it is important to understand the differences between religious and cultural beliefs, rather than to quickly gloss them over in favor of a unitarian belief that ignores the actual teachings of the religions themselves. For example, by learning the specific characteristics of Islam - submission, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, etc. – and understanding them historically as they relate to the development of unique schools of thought, ritual, and practice, we can understand the religion in a way that truly appreciates it as a cultural value system. What may appear as uniting in post-modern society can result in a further weakening of religion. This can be viewed as a modernization of religious belief, but it also illustrates the way that secular values can dilute and destroy religious diversity by posing all ideas in a supermarket of choices where all philosophies are packaged and sold equally, to anybody, but nobody really cares what is on the inside of the box. Thus, this essay will review the position of Kwame Anthony Appiah in the NYT article â€Å"The Case for Contamination,† analyzing the author’s call for multicultural unity, while searching for ways that this process can lead to greater understanding of religious diversity and uniqueness, rather than a dilution of religious belief into a secular paradigm dominated by the values of the marketplace. â€Å"In the past couple of years, Unesco's members have spent a great deal of time trying to hammer out a convention on the ‘protection and promotion’ of cultural diversity. (It was finally approved at the Unesco General Conference in October 2005.) The drafters worried that ‘the processes of globalization. . .represent a challenge for cultural diversity, namely in view of risks of imbalances between rich and poor countries.’ The fear is that the values and images of Western mass culture, like some invasive weed, are threatening to choke out t he world's native flora.† (Appiah, 2006) Appiah defines the position that he is reacting to as related to the UNESCO goal of the protection and promotion of cultural diversity. Appiah chides UNESCO, as if there really is no threat to indigenous culture, as if we were really not losing our cultural diversity globally in a manner similar to and driven by the same modern economic forces that has caused us to lose our natural biodiversity. The protection of endangered species and biodiversity is an extension and continuation of the protection of cultural diversity through multiculturalism. These two are joined in activism and in sharing a philosophical foundation. What Appiah posits as his ideal in contrast to traditional values is Cosmopolitanism, and in doing so I am afraid that he elevates the superficial aspects of the modern economic and social system to an undeserved place as an ideal. Traditional religious belief systems contain feudal, primitive, and even pre-historic aspe cts of our cultural heritage, with Buddhist teachings, the Vedas, and the Bible going back to the earliest days of recorded

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Statement for Applying Leadership Award Personal

For Applying Leadership Award - Personal Statement Example To elucidate in greater detail, since 2006 I have been a designated outreach executive for Cuts For Cancer, an annual event in which students are given the unique opportunity to help ease the suffering of children and cancer sufferers. In this capacity I have spearheaded numerous fundraising initiatives for those suffering from long-term hair loss stemming from the effects of cancer treatment. Locks of hair are sent to a company which turn them into wigs, and this in combination with cash donations result in synergistic benefits for our recipients. Last year alone we successfully raised $15,000 , including an encouraging total of 196 hair donations. As an outreach executive my responsibilities included the promotion of our organization, utilizing local media channels including major broadsheets, television, and radio stations. I also have a marked interest in health-care related issues, volunteering at the emergency waiting area of St. Paul's Hospital during the summer of last year. During my short tenure I tended to the immediate needs of the patients, doing my best to lift their spirits and boost their morale. In addition, I am also currently a group leader for the In-Sight mentoring program, helping freshmen do well academically as well as making sure that they are engaged in well-meaning, worthwhile activities.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fat is a Feminist Issue Essay Example for Free

Fat is a Feminist Issue Essay Susie Orbach writes about the reality that many women face with problems of obesity, overweight, social roles, and sex-stereotypes in the US. In â€Å"Fat is a Feminist Issue† the author writes in extend to the main problem that women face with overweight in America, how it has become a serious issue in the topic of obesity, and the typical â€Å"sex-role stereotypes† differences that exist today (449). Manipulated by media ads and the pressure on women to pursue the ideal physical and beauty appearance, Orbach claims that women have been the target of a â€Å"ten billion dollar industry waits to remold bodies to the latest fashion† year after year (451-52). In addition to this, Orbach gives us some background history on fashion and how media ads affected the thinking of those young ladies who lived in the 60’s and 70’s, where television started to be a mainstream along with magazines and radio. Orbach writes that in the 60’s, there were only three ways to â€Å"feel acceptable† within one’s society: to be skinny, flat chested and straight hair (451). By the 70’s the fashion was the opposite. Clearly, this statement clarifies the historical example of the classic American culture, slammed by media ads in which women are bombarded with new fashion styles and new trends every year. The fact of the matter is that Orbach claims that being fat is a â€Å"culturally defined experience of womanhood† (449), however, she calls society to make a change in this issue in which women are constantly fighting a never ending war of overweight and obesity. Response After reading this essay I’ve found there are reasons as to why women in our society today overeat. In terms of overeating, and the pressures society places on women, I agree that sometimes society place too much pressure on them to look or be a certain way. There are indeed some overweight woman who are perfectly healthy, and others who are not. Although, the issue comes when we try to impose what our idea of healthy is, or what it is supposed to look like from our on perspective onto them. This can drive people to depression, and all types of other bad habits like overeating. I also believe that Orbach, was correct when she stated that self –image, and self- consciousness, play a big role in this subject as well. She states that by not living up to the standards placed by society, would essentially be deeming oneself as an outcast, which in today’s society is very true. Those who cannot/ do not keep up with the latest trend, look, and style are no longer considered to be â€Å"in† which is ridiculous. Women especially, should be able to be them despite what new trend comes about, how many more people become skinnier, or whatever the case may be. We should teach that being comfortable in one’s own skin is what is key, staying healthy, and then working one becoming a better you is what comes next. This essay showed me that if one really took the time to think about it, being â€Å"fat† really could be looked at as a social disease that we ideally created and placed on them. I agree, that society, gender roles and the expectations that we place on women can be directly correlated with overeating and obesity. For me, obesity and overeating is something I never quite understood, nor took the time to really critically think about until now. I was skinny as a young girl; my weight was under one hundred pounds and therefore never having to think about being â€Å"fat†. As I got older, I started to gain weight, reaching one hundred and thirty pounds, and then I started thinking â€Å"Wow! I’m fat†. Then I became pregnant and gained more weight, I was â€Å"HUGE† in my eyes. After giving birth I became obsessed with my weight and body image. I started to exercise and eat healthy to lose the weight; I felt pressure from society, family, and friends to lose the weight because I had always been so thin. I even went to the extreme of having lipo after I couldn’t lose the weight by eating right and exercise. That period of my life was a dark and sad time for me; my family didn’t know about my depression, I was under so much pressure to look perfect! Orbach, also touches a subject that I kind of disagree with as she explains: â€Å"the relegation of women to the social roles of wife and mother has several significant consequences that contribute to the problem of fat† (450). The social roles have played an important role in the American culture, especially in women where it’s always the classic stay home mom, taking care of kids and the husband being the only provider. Under these circumstances, perhaps, women don’t feel the necessity to present an ideal physical image once they are married, or to what she claims it’s a â€Å"response to the inequality of sexes† where women feel less valuable and they express some type of rebellion towards the stereotypes that society has created of â€Å"being fat† or impulsive eating disorder (448-49). Reason I don’t agree completely with this subject is because, I know many stay at home mom’s that do want to stay looking good, and feeling good, not only for them, but for their husband and children. Overall, Susie Orbach’s article â€Å"Fat is a Feminist Issue† was a very good one. It teaches us that we should not imply our own beliefs of what the ideal woman should, or should not look like. While at the same time understanding that obesity and overeating are driven by something, some struggle, expectation, or pressure. This implies that would should not be so quick to say being â€Å"fat† is simply a choice that some individuals make and that, that is all there is to it, because there can be other factors. Works Cited

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Werther as the Prototypical Romantic in Sorrows of Young Werther Essay

Werther as the Prototypical Romantic in Sorrows of Young Werther In Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, the protagonist's characteristics and ideas define him as the prototypical romantic personality.   The Romantic Movement emphasizes emotion over reason, an idea that Werther emulates throughout his life.   Werther loves pastoral settings; in nature, he feels most in touch with his emotions.   He rejects rationality and complexity with the sentiment that life is an adventure to be guided by intuition.   Werther's longing for his love, Lotte, is a paradigm of the Romantic concept of sehnsucht, one's constant yearning for something that they will never possess or know.   Werther finds Lotte to be the object of his hopeless desire, but social conventions of a world based on reason keep her just out of his reach.   His unrequited passion for Lotte ultimately destroys him as his frustrated melancholy drowns every other aspect of his personality.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Werther's love of the countryside illustrates his appreciation of the untamed emotion to be found in natural settings.   He believes that an artist can only become great by drawing nature scenes, and considers those who do not appreciate the beauty of the world to be unhealthy.   Werther escapes the rules and regulations that saturate the rational world in pastoral settings such as Wahlheim, where he finds that "I can be myself and experience every happiness known to man"   (43).   He can best sense the presence of God and his spiritual self in nature, and develops some of his deepest connections with Lotte.   Werther is deeply saddened when someone with "no feeling at all for the few things on this earth that are of real value" cuts down the beautiful walnut trees in f... ...iliar sense of yearning that will never be fulfilled.   Werther realizes that death is the only way to end his misery.   Like the insane man picking flowers, Werther has found Lotte as his reason, but death is the only way to lose it again.   Werther is deeply sympathetic for the murderer at Wahlheim because he feels every bit of his hopelessness and sees the man's fate as his own.   The judge reasonably refuses to overlook the law merely because the man allowed emotions to control his actions, and his words, "The man is doomed," might as well have been directed to Werther   (106).   Werther is helpless to his longing, bringing him "to his sad end, lost in a fantastic sensitivity and infinite passion"   (107).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work Cited Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. The Sorrows of Young Werther. Trans. Elizabeth Mayer and Louis Bogan. 1774; New York: Random House, 1970.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Philippines in Global Competitiveness Essay

As the Philippines currently indulge its current economic achievement, being included for the first time in the top 50% of world ranking, it makes me ask the question, why only now? What took us too long to be globally competitive? According to Guillermo Luz, the co-chair of the Philippine National Competitiveness Council (NCC), the Philippines registered improvements in 11 out of the 12 categories, from the aspect of government institutions, infrastructures, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training; goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication and innovation. It felt like a breath of fresh air! From all the news of bus hostage tragedy, unresolved issues in the RH Bill, China in Spratly’s and the recent impeachment of the Chief Justice Renato Corona, a new positive and uplifting headline was shown to our television screens and newspapers. It’s a great indication that despite of all the negative issues that we deal with everyday, there is still some delightful news that proves that our country is still determined to be placed on top along with our neighbor Asian countries like Singapore and Hongkong. The Philippines’ competitiveness is improving significantly in some aspects of our economy. We can say that businesses around the world are more confident now in investing in our country. Kudos to the people in the government who are truly exerting efforts to provide us with more tangible results rather than the blah blah promises we used to hear every day. But despite of this current triumph, I totally agree to what Ramon Del Rosario Jr., (Chair of the Makati Business Club) has said, that there is still a lot of work to be done to help ensure that the Philippines reach its new goal to be included in the upper third rankings in 2016. This recognition would show that though we are improving in some areas, there are still a lot of weaknesses that are waiting to be focus on. Examples of these are the infrastructures, floods during rainy season, rights to education for the less fortunate, health problems such as dengue and HIV, unemployment, graft and corruption and a lot more. So are we Really  improving? How can we brag that we had improved our economic competitiveness and yet feel that our countrymen are still deprived and poverty-stricken? As a business student, it felt good knowing that the performance of our economy is much better from the past two years. From a double digit improvement in ranking since then, it makes me think that if this trend goes positively, I will have a bright future in my chosen career. But in behalf of a lot of Filipinos currently living, striving and struggling to have a better life in this country, this improvement may not be as convincing as it ought to be. One basis for this would be that the lives of the Filipinos two years ago were not that different from what it is today, and such progress is rarely seen and felt. In addition to this, the only â€Å"development†(?!) that Filipinos had felt from the two years that has passed was the increase in prices of pandesal and jeepney fare. And yes, I’m sorry, that is sarcasm. I also agree to Mr. Ernie Cecilia, that quality human resources can drive global competitiveness. We have different views from the quality human resources who are leaving our country, brain drain anyone? That we didn’t realize that, our own people, is the MAJOR factor that can help our country to do better. Knowledgeable and competent Filipinos are leaving the Philippines to work abroad in search of greener pastures. But no one can blame them! Their stumpy salaries are not sufficient to provide for the ever growing desire to improve the quality of life of their families. They leave the Philippines because of poverty, and the Philippines remain in poverty because they all left. It’s a vicious circle that will never end, like a dog chasing its own tail. It won’t conclude until it straightens up its act and chose the right way. Mr. Cecilia’s approach is really informative and I got to learn a lot of things. But I just to want to express my disagreement on his snarky remark that while Singapore sells anything and everything and Japan and Korea sells high value items, we sell bananas. It astounds me for a second†¦ then asks, what’s wrong with that?! Is there something wrong in selling bananas? Or exporting mangoes, durian, coconuts, woodcrafts and furniture’s? It may amaze him if he knew that even dried fish have a great demand in the international market. These are our countries major exports and while other countries can sell a lot of things, we have our own uniqueness and advantages in exporting our own products too. It may not be as big as petroleum, diamonds, and heavy machineries but a little bit of something is much favorable than nothing at all. In conclusion, and to relate this topic to the lessons that I have learned in the four corners of my classroom in Management 8, I have realize that the Philippines is just like large conglomerate. Like a multinational corporation, it needs the proper structure, competent people and clever strategies to achieve its mission, vision, objectives and goals. It needs to line its strategies according to the changing demands and other factors to attain satisfaction and improvement. Our country, like a corporation needs to analyze its strengths and use them to compete in this fast changing world. Identify its weaknesses and address it, turn threats to opportunities, and maximize the opportunities for greater prospects, not only to improve its current status but also to uplift the life of its people. We may be far from being number one; we may not know where we’ll be next. But with every little step forward goes a long way. It may take us too long, but with determination, proper administration and guide from Above, I know we will get there.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Ethics Awareness Inventory Summary Essay

In my Ethical Awareness Inventory I believe in what is right. Ethical awareness is gaining an insight in the perspective of having the determination of what you believe is wrong or right. My beliefs in decision making and obligation are mainly in the core values of the best ethical decision and what core beliefs I believe inspire my values and morality. The core beliefs I chose were character, obligation, results, and equity. I believe an obligation to make the right decision is very important in any decision making process. Results show how a person can provide the character that motivates them in the equity that is chosen to make the right choice. Factors that influence my decision making is pressure from peers and the pressure from the above, interest groups, personal financial gain, chance to get ahead, limited information to get ahead, convenience, and threats in the workplace that are used if not abiding by the Code of Ethics, which is a document signed when hired at a place of employment. Ethical Awareness is the key to sound ethical judgment. The answers to the questions posed in the EAI Inventory will assist you to make the â€Å"right† decision, but it is important to remember that there is no easy shortcut to ethical decision making. It requires you to make an important personal judgment about a matter that will have a significant impact on the lives of real people—not some faceless mass (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2011). Obligations category defines my selections as individuals that I may work with as argumentative about the society who may not be able to work in their own best interest. Obligations to me are very important and need to look at as being at the top of a list and adhered to as promises made to be taken care of as soon as possible. In my own life the results have pretty much matched on how I am in real life, especially the personal financial gain. I always run short of money and looking for more ways to earn more. Another way is more information being available to me. I always have been willing to learn as much as I can to know about my tasks and duties within a job or even in my personal life. I was raised with strong personal ethics and apply those to my professional and personal life. In the educational field I have learned that ethics in decision making can be different than what I believe. My decision making is of right or wrong. In a professional setting the decision making can be one or the other due to the Code of Ethics and the supervisors that are the last say in a decision. My thinking has been altered to some point to obligations as to the community and diversity which shows how much we should think about the other cultures that have issues that need assistance and our ethical views which are a difference than what most are altered from my core beliefs. Reference Williams Institute(2011). (6th ed): www. ethics-twi. org info@ethics-twi. org. Retrieved April 23, 2012 from: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/Vendors/TWI/EAI/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Biofuels

The Pros and Cons of Biofuels There are many environmental benefits to replacing oil with plant-based biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel. For one, since such fuels are derived from agricultural crops, they are inherently renewable- and our own farmers typically produce them domestically, reducing our dependence on unstable foreign sources of oil. Additionally, ethanol and biodiesel emit less particulate pollution than traditional petroleum-based gasoline and diesel fuels. They also do not have much of a net contribution of greenhouse gases to the global climate change problem, since they only emit back to the environment the carbon dioxide that their source plants absorbed out of the atmosphere in the first place. Biofuels Are Easy to Use, but Not Always Easy to Find And unlike other forms of renewable energy (like hydrogen, solar or wind), biofuels are easy for people and businesses to transition to without special apparatus or a change in vehicle or home heating infrastructure- you can just fill your existing car, truck or home oil tank with it. Those looking to replace gasoline with ethanol in their car, however, must have a â€Å"flex-fuel† model that can run on either fuel. Otherwise, most regular diesel engines can handle biodiesel as readily as regular diesel. Despite the upsides, however, experts point out that biofuels are far from a cure for our addiction to petroleum. A wholesale societal shift from gasoline to biofuels, given the number of gas-only cars already on the road and the lack of ethanol or biodiesel pumps at existing filling stations, would take some time. Are There Enough Farms and Crops to Support a Switch to Biofuels? Another major hurdle for widespread adoption of biofuels is the challenge of growing enough crops to meet demand, something skeptics say might well require converting just about all of the world’s remaining forests and open spaces over to agricultural land. â€Å"Replacing only five percent of the nation’s diesel consumption with biodiesel would require diverting approximately 60 percent of today’s soy crops to biodiesel production,† says Matthew Brown, an energy consultant and former energy program director at the National Conference of State Legislatures. â€Å"That’s bad news for tofu lovers.† Of course, soy is now much more likely to be grown as an industrial commodity than as an ingredient for tofu! In addition, the intensive cultivation of crops for biofuels is done with the help of large amounts of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. Does Producing Biofuels Use More Energy than They Can Generate? Another dark cloud looming over biofuels is whether producing them actually requires more energy than they can generate. After factoring in the energy needed to grow crops and then convert them into biofuels, Cornell University researcher David Pimental concludes that the numbers just don’t add up. His 2005 study found that producing ethanol from corn required 29 percent more energy than the end product itself is capable of generating. He found similarly troubling numbers in the process used to make biodiesel from soybeans. â€Å"There is just no energy benefit to using plant biomass for liquid fuel,† Pimentel says. The numbers might look quite different, though, for biofuel derived from agriculture waste products which would otherwise end up in a landfill. Biodiesel has been manufactured from poultry processing waste, for example. Once fossil fuel prices rise back up, those types of waste-based fuels might present favorable economics and will likely be developed further. Conservation is a Key Strategy for Reducing Dependence on Fossil Fuels There is no one quick-fix for weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels and the future will likely see a combination of sourcesfrom wind and ocean currents to hydrogen, solar and, yes, some use of biofuelspowering our energy needs. The â€Å"elephant in the living room† that is often ignored when considering energy options, however, is the hard reality that we must reduce our consumption, not just replace it with something else. Indeed, conservation is probably the largest single â€Å"alternative fuel† available to us. Edited by Frederic Beaudry.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Binge Eating Disorder Essay Example for Free (#2)

Binge Eating Disorder Essay For centuries, many psychological disorders had plagued mankind. Humanity has suffered from many psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and many more. One kind of disorder that rose in numbers in the twenty-first century are eating disorders. Eating disorders can be categorized into three types. Theses are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Of the three types of eating disorder, binge eating disorder is more complex when it comes to its symptoms and manifestations. To further understand binge eating disorder, we must first understand what are eating disorders and what factors can affect people who manifest these kinds of disorder. Eating disorders are disorders of eating habits of individuals. According to social-cultural theorist, most eating disorders usually are common in cultures where the thinness of the body is considered attractive and more acceptable (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The factors that affect eating disorders can range from a person’s culture, environment, his/her family background, genealogy and biological factors. In the three kinds of eating disorder, anorexia nervosa is a disorder where one refuses to eat to become fat. A common practice of anorexic patients is to purge their food when they felt that they had taken a lot of it (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The disorder is deadly and can kill almost 15 percent of its victims (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). If anorexia nervosa is self-starvation, bulimia nervosa is binging or eating excessively then purging it through various methods. Now, we focus on binge eating disorder. If the two other eating disorder’s goal is to keep their body thin and slim. Binge eating disorder is making the body fatter and overweight. The common practice of people with binge eating disorder is eating excessively when they feel anxious about something. They will eat out and eat as much food as they can even if they are not hungry. It sort of becoming their initial reaction to a stressor and becomes a habit (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The big difference in binge eating disorder than bulimia is that binge eating disorder victims don’t purge (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). They don’t engage in behaviors that will cause them to vomit. Binge sessions of victims are usually habitual and episodic. This means they engage in binging in a particular time. Studies have shown that people who are obese and over weight are common people with binge eating disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006).. A study showed that 30 percent of people who undergo weight loss programs are actually having binge eating disorder. The peculiarity of this disorder is that even though this disorder is making the people unhealthy and obese, psychologist and health professionals think that having a binge eating disorder is better than having anorexia or bulimia. Usually African Americans are more affected by this disorder than European Americans (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Similar to anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder is more common to females (Bierma, 1999). The disorder is associated with many disorders namely depression and anxiety (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). People who have binge eating disorder have low self-esteem and want to eliminate their binging. They feel sickened by the thought of being fat and usually tries to undergo weight-loss programs and frequent tries in dieting. The problem is they can’t stop binging until they sought help from the professional. Binge eating disorder as of today is still not counted as a formal eating disorder in DSM-IV by psychologists (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). This is due to the fact that psychologists think more studies should be done to support and sanction the diagnostic of this disorder. The binge eating disorder can be found on the appendix of the DSM-IV for further study (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). There are many causes why people get binge eating disorder. Many psychologists can attribute that the rise in eating disorders in our time is mainly due to our social norms (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). To further explain binge eating disorder, the factors that triggers this kind of behavior is needed to be understood. The most important fact we must know is that our society today has social pressures and norms. Many cultures put pressure to women to be slim and thin. There are cultural differences throughout the world. In places and time where wealthy people value heavier weight as more beautiful, eating disorder become less likely in the population. People in less developed countries view people with heaviness as beautiful because it shows that the person can afford to buy food and is wealthy (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). In America, the rise of fashion magazines that embraces beauty as something slim and skinny in the 90’s made many American teens more prone to become anorexic. The icons of beauty in a specific era also can predict the trends in eating behaviors in women. The cultural norms of attractiveness also affect people who can get eating disorder like binge eating (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). If a person sees that becoming fat and gaining weight can help him achieve his desired level of attractiveness, he will try to eat more in order to gain weight. Another deadly cause of binge eating disorder is that people who suffer from it view food as a way of coping to their negative emotions. In some cases, sexual abuse in the past can also trigger binge eating disorder because it raises the anxiety level of the person (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The cognitive reasoning of an individual also affects the development of binge eating disorder. As we discussed, binge eating disorder is an impulsive behavior. The victims usally act before thinking. This kind of impulse is hard to control and is hard to regulate on its own. Biologically, people who suffer from binge eating disorder might have predisposition to depression (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Depression usually triggers the binge eating session and makes victims more susceptible to binge just to feel good again. Findings also show that irregularity in the hypothalamus in the brain could be a cause of binge eating disorder and other types of eating disorder (Lyness, 2006). Hypothalamus regulates our eating habit and feeling of hunger (Lyness, 2006). This part of the brain is where our body sends a signal if a certain nutrient is insufficient or excessive. Another part of the brain which acts as relay centers of the message our body gives to the brain are neurotransmitters. Serotonin which is an important in cases of depression and anxiety plays a big role in eating disorders. Patterns of binging behaviors can stem from irregularities in serotonin (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Lastly, obesity which is found in most binge eaters is found in the genes (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). This means that people are sometimes predisposed to be obese thus making them eat more. Binge eating disorder has many health consequences like gallbladder disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes etc (Unknown, 2005). Binge Eating Disorder. (2016, Aug 07).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Rhetorical analysis - Essay Example It lays bare, only too well, the feelings and aspirations of a man who, like all of us, wants to obtain the object of his longing, all the while being completely aware of his inadequacies. One of the main reasons this song was a success was also due to the fact that the person singing the song, Thom Yorke, establishes his credibility from the start. Yorke is, to put it kindly, a very average looking man himself, and, thus, seems more than just a spokesperson, or singer, thereof; when he says â€Å"What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here† (Creep), it seems he is speaking right from the heart. Since Radiohead is an Alternative Rock band, the main audience of this song is young people, however, since it is written from the point of view of a man, perhaps young men would be the specific target audience. Though admittedly Alternative Rock is quite a popular genre of music, being the first single of the band, however, as there was no established fan-base of the ban d, the ethos for the song, musically, had to be built from scratch. Yorke’s personality, in this regard, seems also to foster the image of a young, average looking man who does not see his love being returned for want of a handsome outlook. This seems to be the reason why Yorke seems to have chosen to have written for this audience. Although inclusive language does not form any part of this song – it seems to be just the inner soliloquy of a man – however, the theme of the song is quite common. â€Å"But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo† (Creep) are words used by many a young person, inwardly mostly similar to the soliloquist singer. Hence, there is a sense of inclusion portrayed in the song. In a rhetorical sense, the song also has an ethos-filled content. Creep is replete with emotional substance and passionate imagery. The beloved is described allegorically: â€Å"angel† for instance. Whereas the passion of just how special the beloved is stressed by a vulgar vernacular expression: â€Å"You’re so fucking special† (Creep). This stress is to describe just how highly stressed the specialness of the beloved is. On the other hand, words like â€Å"creep† and â€Å"weirdo† are used to describe the writer himself; again, vernacular is used to portray how low the person’s regard for himself is. There is much repetition in the song – the words â€Å"you† and â€Å"I† are used repetitively in the first and second verse. This repetition creates an aura of exclusion – the writer is differentiating between himself and his beloved. This lays bare his idolization of his beloved: â€Å"You’re just like an angel†¦ You float like a feather† (Creep), while at the same time, the second verse stresses on his need to be good enough for the beloved: â€Å"I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul† (Creep). Though it does not do so directly, the so ng also has logos filled content. The logic of the impossibility of a â€Å"weirdo† or a â€Å"creep† to win the love of someone who is â€Å"an angel† and who â€Å"float[s] like a feather† is all too apparent. This is the reality of the world we live in, those who are beautiful do not, normally, tend to fall in love with those who lack any outward charm. All in all, the main rhetorical objective of this song seems to be to relay the hardship of unrequited, or unsaid, love, where the impossibility of gaining the love of someone â€Å"perfect† seems to be at the forefront. This is exacerbated by the low self esteem of the person writing this song,