Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Admission for EMBA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Confirmation for EMBA - Essay Example 1. I will finish my graduation instruction inside the specified timeframe and accomplish great scholarly outcomes, obtain information on key zones which will help in conditioning up my administration related abilities. I need to effectively finish the Masters in Business Administration course work first inside the course span. . So as to work in a worldwide association I need to focus on comprehension multi social correspondence. The college offers incredible chance and during my course work I will gain related information. My transient objectives depend fair and square of feasibility they have. Contemplating the present status of my profession my need will be intensely on finishing my Masters in Business Administration course in a successful way. Over the term of the program I will focus on upgrading my correspondence, initiative and other such aptitudes expected of a business head in tasks of an association. Endless supply of the course I need to have the option to devise a CV that is explicit to the business organization field, which will help improve the possibilities of me accomplishing work in a main association working on a worldwide scale. I will present all business related to course in a way that gives amazing outcomes. I will beat all understudies engaged with the course. I will utilize openings gave by the college during my instruction to get increasingly educated on both the hypothetical and commonsense ideas of the executives. The time size of fulfillment of my course work must be in correspondence to the end date indicated by the University for my business organization Course Work. The advancement that I am ready to accomplish will be consistently estimated on semester premise to guarantee I am in track so as to accomplish my profession objectives. My momentary objectives are to go to all course related classes and participate in workshops sorted out at

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Comparison of Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park and The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park

1 Section FOUR Examination, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction This section will be examine and clarifies about the investigation and discoveries which from two notice surveies each piece great as the writing reappraisal through relative examination. The features that will be utilized to think about are site foundation, end and configuration assault, plan design, comfortss, hardscape and softscape decision, handiness and dissemination each piece great as the exercises. Those perspective are considered the reliable from writing reappraisal to be part of urban park configuration arranging. This section will plug up with treatment of investigation between both park which are Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park each piece great as The North Lynnwood Park 4.2. Site Background Both of Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park and The North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park are diverse kind of park yet those park are comparable in utilizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ( CPTED ) rules which looks for to hold a nothing offense in the recreation center. Table 4.1 shows the looking at of fundamental foundation for both Parkss. Table 4.1 Comparison of site foundation for both Parkss.Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Neighborhood ParkThe North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkEntire nation: 17 estates.Built by Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission ( M-NCPPC ) Parks in 1962.Include public venue, highlights resort zones, a softball field, two multiuse Fieldss, four tennis courts, a football or affiliation football field and an excursion country.Entire nation: 6 estates.Developed in 1970 and started by Lynnwood Elementary School teachers, each piece great as the pupils.Include enormous dynamic dramatization, outing nation, an out-of-entryway open introduction boundless, shower Parkss and new show hardware known as â€Å"Dragon Park† .Based on the plain exhibit above, both Parkss draw in open on the grounds that it’s activity as a topographic point for mingle each piece great as there are other than given a few preoccupation establishments to recreational exercises. The Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park comprise of a few establishments inside the recreation center which might be utilized by clump of individ uals in a single clasp. When contrasted with the North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park, it is other than comprise of establishments as common for a recreation center, however the figure of client might be to some degree unique. 4.3 Goal and configuration assault Objective and configuration assault is of import and considered in configuration arranging in light of impossible to miss Parkss must lies on that aspect. These aspect depends on how the end will be accomplished through the chose assault in building up a decent park. From both notice surveies, it appear that both park have their ain end however utilized a similar assault which is CPTED to achieve a decent park. For Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park, it need to make a fruitful park each piece great as the detached endless framework in the great beyond through the concocting of bing Parkss and loosened infinites as utile and alluring as could be expected under the circumstances furthermore making the privilege each piece great as appropriate of new comfortss and linkages inside the recreation center. The North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park other than have about a similar reason which is to flexibly fitting new redirection establishments each piece great as redevelop the bing 1s and make another out-of-entryway open introduction unbounded for Lynnwood Elementary School understudies and inhabitants. In any case, both Parkss need to achieve the reason through a few points that may be extraordinary. Table 4.2 The distinction points utilized by both Parkss to achieve the end.Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Nearby ParkThe North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkI. Flexibly more perceivability to other establishments in the recreation center, for example, the resort region, loops and others. two. Better a superior course control in covering with vehicular and common traffic. three. Gracefully better regular reconnaissance for the individuals who entered the park.I. Gracefully establishments for preoccupation exercises dependent on the client needs. two. Create recreational assets and chances that are worked in the scene and open air climate that may incorporate strolling, running, biking each piece great as proceeding with the characteristic countries.Harmonizing to the looking at of two notice surveies, both park are taking about a similar end however unique way to achieve it yet at the same time dependent on CPTED rules. The Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park is in a roundabout way giving a comfortable and made sure about environment for the clients as to permit the unwinding for better characteristic observation and flexibly more perceivability to different establishments. Contrasted with The North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park had expected to fix up the establishments with the upgraded one inside the recreation center to improve climate as the recreation center is utilized by the school kids each piece great as the inhabitants which to keep up out fear of offenses. 4.4 Design Layout A decent park configuration is because of the arranging of a decent format puting which is the privilege and fit blend of workss each piece great as the qualities will make a satisfying visual perspective and an earth cordial design which mean a more secure park. Through the two notice surveies, the structure format was contrasted with discover the plan which sing the offense bar plans. Table 4.3 The distinction structure design of two notice surveies.Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Nearby ParkThe North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkRosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park was organizing inside the recreation center connected to one another of the pathway and the cycleway each piece great as the planting technique. These are the likelihood to make concealing interminable inside the full format of the park.The Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center turns into a point of convergence of the recreation center since the establishments gave are around the centre.The establishments that are given is assigned to be at the outskirt of the recreation center edge to ensure the normal reconnaissance inside the park.The North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park is structured by situating the circling pathway at the focal point of the recreation center to be the point of convergence. The mundane paseo was made to support by trees and other plantings.The plan of the recreation center each piece great as the outer format providing more incorporation of corners that can shroud individuals by twen ty-four hours or dark.The planting technique gives the obstructor of public’s position as the basic planting is planted at the edge of the recreation center each piece great as to deny course to offense marks and to cause a perceptual encounter of dangers To wrongdoers.based on the plain exhibit over, the dissemination and pathway each piece great as the cycleway is suitable to the structure counsel for both Parkss as a decent park structure. These is intended to let strolling inside the recreation center each piece great as such a craving lines for the clients. Planting technique other than played a similar capacity of flow, pathway and cycleway because of the CPTED rules which is the regular dish control. Aside from that, both park have their ain point of convergence which is a topographic point that individuals will gather or play around. For Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park, the public venue appeared in Figure 3.6 go about as a point of convergence of the recreation center in light of the fact that the establishments gave are around the middle which is to ensure the normal observation inside the recreation center. While point of convergence for the North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park is the circling pathway as a result of its place which is at the focal point of the recreation center. The point of convergence is one of the aspect for a decent park plan that go about as characteristic observation. 4.5 Comfortss, hardscape and softscape decision Comfortss and hardscape decision of urban park is reasonable to be contrasted and taking a gander at the offense bar aspect as these gave in those park is impact to make cultural association among the clients. For softscape decision each piece great as finishing played capacity to elevate the regular appropriateness in the recreation center. It is of import, by the by, to ensure that overwhelming leaf and improper planting does non take to risks for protection and conceivable offense. Table 4.4 Comparison of comfortss, hardscape decision for both Parkss.Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Nearby ParkThe North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkA huge detached space/resort areaA multi-use football and affiliation football fieldA baseball fieldTwo tennis tribunalsOne and a half bands tribunalsCommunity centreSecurity illuming inside the parkSpray parkReservable field day installationsLarge dynamic dramatization countriesPlay EquipmentBasketball CourtOutdoor Stages/Performance AreaPublic toiletsParkingBased on the plain exhibit 4.4, the comfortss each piece great as the hardscape gave in Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park are available in footings of security feature as the qualities is obliging security segment as the comfortss and the boundless gave can make a cultural environment. Blending to Cranz ( 1982 ) , individuals will use the recreation center for their agreeable limitless where individuals get the chance to use fleeting scene, run into companions do other recreational exercises. Contrasted with The North Lynnwood Neighborhood Park, the recreation center gave great comfortss, yet the hardscape qualities of the recreation center is fairly inconsistent to back up the security condition. Table 4.5 Comparison of softscape decision for both Parkss.Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Nearby ParkThe North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkThe park incorporates around 70 % of plantings. This is conceivable to do a here now gone again later nation each piece great as to gracefully screen for related and fit activities.The planting decision need to suit the neighborhood nature and recreational context.The workss decision is making a structure which is covering at the outskirt of the park.The use of workss are to give and flexibly the shading material each piece great as the surface of planting.Based on the even exhibit 4.5, softscape decision is an of import part in a recreation center which it’s played diverse capacity because of the nearby encompassing. This is on the grounds that each seting procedure will be mirroring the picture of the recreation center. 4.6 Accessibility and course Acc

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Classic Writers Who (I Imagine) Would Be All About Blogging If They Were Alive Today

Classic Writers Who (I Imagine) Would Be All About Blogging If They Were Alive Today Theres no set formula for brilliant blogging. Its kind of like finding love or the perfect book: you know a blogger on fire when you read em. But I like to imagine I can spot a potential candidate, evenâ€"or especiallyâ€"when they died way before the Internet existed. These authors are a wide mix of opinionated, educated, funny, critical, personal, sharp-witted, and thought-provoking. Really the only thing that connects them is that I would LOVE to read their blogs. Who are some classic authors you think would make great bloggers? Tell Condescending Voltaire again about how Benedict Cumberbatch wins the Internet. Voltaire I think its safe to say that if he were alive today, Voltaire would give Benedict Cumberbatch a run for his money on number of times hed win the internet. Astonishingly prolific, Voltaire wrote everything from plays to essays, was by turns sarcastic and heartfelt, ripped the French establishment a new one, fought for freedom of religion and expression, and was witty enough that no comment troll would ever get in a visit to his blog unscathed. Plus, in the great tradition of the Internet, Voltaire was his alias. Mary MacLane In 1901, 19-year-old Mary MacLane of Butte, Montana, decided to start recording her various thoughts on three months of Nothingness (sounds like the worst summer off from school evar). The resultant memoir, The Story of Mary MacLane, was a sensation. MacLane unapologetically declared herself an unparalleled genius and egotist. She had imaginary conversations in her head with the devil, wrote love letters to an older woman, and in her free time would steal and lie just for the lolz. To no ones surpriseâ€"well, aside from some very uptight Victorian peopleâ€"her books were hugely popular with teen girls. I can only imagine what havoc MacLane would wreak if she was alive today and set upon the Internets. Horace Walpole In the 18th century, Walpole was one of the richest men in England. What did he do with all his monies? Bought medieval art and antiques and renovated a house to display all of it, of course. The resultant Strawberry Hill kick-started the Gothic Revival style of architecture. Walpole also wrote a very strange and mercifully short novel called The Castle of Otranto, which as far as anyone knows is the first Gothic novel. I imagine Walpoles blog would be full of DIY (Martha Stewart style: make-your-servants-do-it-whilst-you-observe) home improvement tips, antiquing recaps, made-up histories, and the occasional political rant. His Instagram feed would be amazeballs. Nellie Bly Intrepid 19th century journalist Elizabeth Jane Cochran basically invented undercover journalism. Writing as Nellie Bly, Cochrans most famous expose was on Blackwells Island (which you may be familiar with from Drunk History), an insane asylum that Bly had herself committed to so she could get an inside look at what went on. Her reports eventually led to widespread asylum reforms. Bly also traveled around the world and wrote political dispatches from Mexico, not necessarily in that order. I can imagine her doing similar undercover reports from Ferguson, Missouri, or Syria, using a handy-dandy cell phone instead of telegrams or a notebook. Shed be all over that. Isaac Asimov Like Voltaire, Asimov was incredibly prolific and eclectic. He not only wrote science fiction stories and novels, but non-fiction books and articles covering numerous topics from science to technology, religion to history, and the arts. I imagine his blog would be a collection of xkcd-style facts, observations, and in-jokes that would blow any geeks mind. John Ruskin One of the most influential art critics of his day, Ruskin was an early supporter of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, said one of JMW Turners paintings looked like a kitchen accident, and was sued by James McNeill Whistler for writing a negative opinion of Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket. True, if he had a blog or any sort of platform on the Internet, hed probably be That Guyâ€"you know, That Guy whos always shouting opinions and has imaginary personal vendettas and is always making an ass of himselfâ€"but what would the Internet be without That Guy? Also, That Guy tends to get a lot of hits, unfortch. George Orwell Everyone knows Orwell for 1984 and Animal Farm, but less well-known are his opinion essays, which are sharp, entertaining, short (the Internet loves short), and sometimes a touch cray-cray (which the Internet loves even more). Love him or hate him, agree or disagree, you have to admit Orwells writings are always interesting. Such is the stuff that dream blogs are built on. Plus, just imagine what his ranty posts on the NSA would look like! Classic Writers Who (I Imagine) Would Be All About Blogging If They Were Alive Today While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our  reading, were re-running some of our  favorite posts from the last several months. Enjoy our highlight reel, and well be back with new stuff on Monday, January 5th. This post originally ran September 22, 2014. _________________________ Theres no set formula for brilliant blogging. Its kind of like finding love or the perfect book: you know a blogger on fire when you read em. But I like to imagine I can spot a potential candidate, evenâ€"or especiallyâ€"when they died way before the Internet existed. These authors are a wide mix of opinionated, educated, funny, critical, personal, sharp-witted, and thought-provoking. Really the only thing that connects them is that I would LOVE to read their blogs. Who are some classic authors you think would make great bloggers? Tell Condescending Voltaire again about how Benedict Cumberbatch wins the Internet. Voltaire I think its safe to say that if he were alive today, Voltaire would give Benedict Cumberbatch a run for his money on number of times hed win the internet. Astonishingly prolific, Voltaire wrote everything from plays to essays, was by turns sarcastic and heartfelt, ripped the French establishment a new one, fought for freedom of religion and expression, and was witty enough that no comment troll would ever get in a visit to his blog unscathed. Plus, in the great tradition of the Internet, Voltaire was his alias. Mary MacLane In 1901, 19-year-old Mary MacLane of Butte, Montana, decided to start recording her various thoughts on three months of Nothingness (sounds like the worst summer off from school evar). The resultant memoir, The Story of Mary MacLane, was a sensation. MacLane unapologetically declared herself an unparalleled genius and egotist. She had imaginary conversations in her head with the devil, wrote love letters to an older woman, and in her free time would steal and lie just for the lolz. To no ones surpriseâ€"well, aside from some very uptight Victorian peopleâ€"her books were hugely popular with teen girls. I can only imagine what havoc MacLane would wreak if she was alive today and set upon the Internets. Horace Walpole In the 18th century, Walpole was one of the richest men in England. What did he do with all his monies? Bought medieval art and antiques and renovated a house to display all of it, of course. The resultant Strawberry Hill kick-started the Gothic Revival style of architecture. Walpole also wrote a very strange and mercifully short novel called The Castle of Otranto, which as far as anyone knows is the first Gothic novel. I imagine Walpoles blog would be full of DIY (Martha Stewart style: make-your-servants-do-it-whilst-you-observe) home improvement tips, antiquing recaps, made-up histories, and the occasional political rant. His Instagram feed would be amazeballs. Nellie Bly Intrepid 19th century journalist Elizabeth Jane Cochran basically invented undercover journalism. Writing as Nellie Bly, Cochrans most famous expose was on Blackwells Island (which you may be familiar with from Drunk History), an insane asylum that Bly had herself committed to so she could get an inside look at what went on. Her reports eventually led to widespread asylum reforms. Bly also traveled around the world and wrote political dispatches from Mexico, not necessarily in that order. I can imagine her doing similar undercover reports from Ferguson, Missouri, or Syria, using a handy-dandy cell phone instead of telegrams or a notebook. Shed be all over that. Isaac Asimov Like Voltaire, Asimov was incredibly prolific and eclectic. He not only wrote science fiction stories and novels, but non-fiction books and articles covering numerous topics from science to technology, religion to history, and the arts. I imagine his blog would be a collection of xkcd-style facts, observations, and in-jokes that would blow any geeks mind. John Ruskin One of the most influential art critics of his day, Ruskin was an early supporter of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, said one of JMW Turners paintings looked like a kitchen accident, and was sued by James McNeill Whistler for writing a negative opinion of Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket. True, if he had a blog or any sort of platform on the Internet, hed probably be That Guyâ€"you know, That Guy whos always shouting opinions and has imaginary personal vendettas and is always making an ass of himselfâ€"but what would the Internet be without That Guy? Also, That Guy tends to get a lot of hits, unfortch. George Orwell Everyone knows Orwell for 1984 and Animal Farm, but less well-known are his opinion essays, which are sharp, entertaining, short (the Internet loves short), and sometimes a touch cray-cray (which the Internet loves even more). Love him or hate him, agree or disagree, you have to admit Orwells writings are always interesting. Such is the stuff that dream blogs are built on. Plus, just imagine what his ranty posts on the NSA would look like! ____________________ The Book Riot Store is here! Get your favorite Book Riot t-shirts, bookish totes, and other literary swag to wear, share, and show off!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay

Growing up experiencing his own identity crisis and misfortunes during his childhood, Erik Homberger Erikson, a well-known psychologist, used this as an inspiration to further one’s understanding of a healthy personality and sense of self. This gave rise to his successful establishment of the theory of Psychosocial Development. Although derived from Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psychosexual Development, Erickson believed that a person’s social experiences cause a great impact on their sense of identity throughout their entire lifespan in eight different stages of development, as opposed to the five stages Freud assumed ended when a person reaches early adulthood (Cherry. 2016). Erickson theorized that a person’s ability to successfully complete a stage of development, regardless of their developmental challenges, directly affected the outcome of a healthy or unhealthy personality and sense of self. In his attempt to exceed further in understanding how a perso n’s social environment affects their personality and identity, Erikson’s findings became great contributions to the study of psychology. On June 15, 1902, Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany, to Karla Abrahamsen, a Jewish stockbroker, as Erik Salomonsen at birth (GoodTherapy. 2007-16). His mother married his pediatrician, Theodor Homberger, in 1905, when Erickson was about three years old (The Famous People. 2007). His last name was changed to Homberger, when his step father officially adopted him in 1911, and itShow MoreRelatedErikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development1561 Words   |  7 PagesTheories and Theorists Theories are the building blocks of psychology. Theories whether old or new has allowed us to know what we know now. There are many theories in the field of psychology or educational psychology that are important to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two theories which are; Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler’s Adlerian theory. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of psychologyRead MoreErikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay2534 Words   |  11 PagesErik Erikson is a developmental psychologist that was prominent in 1963 who provided a framework that is used as a basis of understanding adolescent mind’s journey through psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is rooted in a belief that social aspects of development hold a greater importance than the physical and biological. Erikson didn’t see an endpoint in his theory, as throughout life a person keeps developing. As such Erikson’s theory has a total of 8 stagesRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Development Theory Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pagesas well as being looked at through different developmental theories. Many pages in the Individuals and Families, Diverse Perspectives (Holloway, Holloway Witte, 2010) will be used to help relate the primary research to the secondary research of this project. The ways of socializing children will be mentioned as well as the concept of teaching morals and values to children and how it can be explained through different developmental theories. Teaching morals and values to children can be explainedRead MoreErikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1691 Words   |  7 PagesPsychosocial Development â€Å"Erik Erickson (1902-1994) was best known for his work on stages of psychosocial development and identity crisis† (Cherry, A Brief Biography of His Remarkable Life, 2016). Erickson was able to gain a clear focus on children and was able to interpret what he was seeing by observing children throughout the life, including events of childhood, adulthood, and old age. Erikson s theory posits that every human being passes through several distinct and qualitatively differentRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1177 Words   |  5 Pages Erik Erikson was born in Greman in 1902-1994, American psychoanalyst; known for psychosocial theory of emotional development of human beings. His theory looks at the impact of parents and society on personality development from childhood to adulthood. Erikson believes, each person has to pass through a series of eight stages over there entire life cycle. I will look at the first 3 stages that cover the childhood years. There are set of conflict at each stage, which allows individual to developRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development884 Words   |  4 PagesErik Erikson Erik Erikson was born June 15, 1902. Erikson is best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. His theories marked an important shift in thinking on personality; instead of focusing simply on early childhood event, his psychosocial theory looked at how social influences contribute to personality throughout the entire lifespan. Erik Erikson died May 12, 1994 due to prostate cancer. (Erik Erikson, 2015). Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1445 Words   |  6 PagesErik Erikson was an ego psychologists who developed one of the utmost popular and prominent theories of development. While Erikson’s theory was influenced by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud s work, Erikson s theory centered on psychosocial development rather than psychosexual development. Erik Erikson s theory of psychosocial development is one of the best-known theories of personality in psychology. Much like Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages. UnlikeRead MoreErik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory1518 Words   |  7 PagesABSTRACT This research paper will show a thorough review of Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory, specifically the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Psychosocial Development, according to Erik Erikson, is a continuity of crisis throughout our lifespan; these challenges will shape our personality and the way we perceive our surroundings. In addition to this, the different stages mentioned in this Theory complement each other and help us to develop the tools to achieve a sense ofRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract Erik Erikson (1902-1994) provided a new perspective of psychosocial behavior and development while expanding on the works of other theorists. Erikson believed there to be eight stages of psychosocial development which a person transitions through. These stages start at birth and end with old age/death. Erikson’s work is used throughout many outlets of social work. Social workers use this information to help them figure out what is going on with clients and how best to help them. Erikson providesRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1818 Words   |  8 Pagesinfluential theories in developmental psychology, which is Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. It is a very interesting theory, and although it was influenced by Sigmund Freud, it centers more on the social component rather than the psychosexual stand of Freud. According to Erikson, our personal development occurs as we interact daily with others and have new experiences that shape us throughout our lives. This paper will review the eight stages of the psychosocial theory: 1. Trust

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Religion and Prayer Must Not be Permitted in Public...

Early American colonists anticipated a country full of freedoms and opportunities. As the new government was beginning to develop, the Founders took into consideration the restrictions placed on them and their fellow immigrants in their former home lands. One difficulty the colonists encountered back in Europe was the inability to practice a desired religion or not to practice one at all. Since the newly formed country was made up of people from more than one religious background, the government had to come up with a way to accommodate all of its citizens. Understanding the countrys diversity, the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America included in the First Amendment the words, Congress shall make†¦show more content†¦Since the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment protects the citizens from being influenced or offended by government sponsor ed religion, prayer in the public school system is intolerable. Accordingly, the idea of secular ism was first proposed by James Madison in the religion clauses, because he wanted to avoid any sort of political influence on religious institutions (Alley 1 8). As a result of Madisons initiation of the concept of secularism, the role of religion in government institutions such as schools is now considered unconstitutional. In defiance to the Courts separation of church and state ruling, many public school districts persist to support the exercise of prayer. Numerous cases have arisen reflecting the opposing views on the role of prayer, including the 1962 precedent setting court case Engel v. Vitale. The debate occurred because the children of a New York public school district were required to recite the following lines every morning: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg t hey blessing upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country (Sikorski xi). In response, the Supreme Court immediately reprimanded the school system by declaring the act unconstitutional and banning the prayer. The school and other advocates ar gued that the prayer was nondenominational and shouldShow MoreRelatedThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools762 Words   |  4 PagesThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools The â€Å"establishment† or â€Å"religion† clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution reads: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof† (Education Week, 2003, para. 2). It is from this clause that the idea of separation of church and state comes. It is also the basis for much of the debate regarding the practice of religion in public schools (Education Week, 2003). OneRead More Religion in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers Essay examples1161 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers    Censorship is a very broad topic.   Is it good or bad?   Often, we ask ourselves if such things need to exist because of the First Amendment right.   It states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.   (AmendmentsRead MoreThe United States As A Christian Nation1263 Words   |  6 PagesGodly principles as portrayed in the U.S. Constitution, and as well as the Declaration of Independence. As society continues to argue over the inclusion of religion in politics, members of society reap the effects in many areas, particularly in the education system. I strongly agree that the United States was founded as a Christian nation. Religion has been a large part of this country, starting with the very first people to arrive in America, the Pilgrims. Breaking away from the Church of EnglandRead More Religion and Prayer in Public Schools Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesReligion in Public Schools    The practice of religion has been a major factor in American culture for centuries. The religion clause of the First Amendment, which states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, was developed to preserve the freedom of religion (Haynes 2). The religion clause was designed to protect religion from the control of the government, but, consequently, it restricts the expression of religionRead MoreThe Debate Over School Prayer1096 Words   |  5 PagesThis paper will examine the topic of prayer in school. School prayer has remained a subject of national debate in the United States. This freedom has slowly but surely been taken away from students across the country. By bringing to light the laws pertaining to prayer in schools, understanding the current situation in schools, and rewriting school policy regarding prayer, this travesty can be avoided before it grows further. The dispute over school prayer has stemmed from the government s viewsRead MoreRogerian Argument1221 Words   |  5 PagesBrines Religion In Your Schools Religion, whether we realize it or not, is a major element of American society (and also worldwide history). For many, religion is a significant part of their cultural identity. Religion plays a part in all levels of politics and is often an aspect of community events and organizations. Everyday, we all interact with people who have different religious backgrounds and personal beliefs. Children born into religious families are very connected with their religions fromRead More Religion and School Prayer in Public Schools Essays1853 Words   |  8 Pagespractice the same religion, Americas first legislators made certain that government intervention in religious matters was prohibited. Therefore, religious freedom was ensured in the First Amendment to the Constitution, as it states, Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . . (Whitehead, Rights 49). This statement allowed Americans to f reely express and practi ce or chose not to practice a religion. The two distinct partsRead MoreEssay Muslims and the Religion of Islam1078 Words   |  5 Pagesdecided to choose the religion of Islam. I decided to pick this religion because of its fast growing rate. It is also different from what I am used to growing up with, so I was interested in learning more. I had learned some basic facts after the 9/11 event, but the Muslim religion and culture was still a mystery to me. Picking this topic has helped me learn more about Muslims and will help me better relate to them in my future work. Background and History Islam is the religion for about a fifth ofRead MoreSaudi Arabia s Education System881 Words   |  4 Pagesdrastically changed. When the Kingdom was established in 1932, education was available to very few people, mostly the children of wealthy families living in the major cities. Today, Saudi Arabia’s education system includes 25 public and 27 private universities, some 30,000 schools and a large number of colleges and other institutions. The system is open to all citizens, and provides students with free education, books and health services. While the study of Islam remains at its core, the modern SaudiRead More The Removal of Prayer from Public Schools Essay4217 Words   |  17 Pages The removal of prayer from public schools is a very controversial and misunderstood debate. This paper will address the history of the debate, common myths and misunderstandings, and the current trends. History of the Debate: Public schools originated in 1647 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and soon spread across New England. They began with an elementary school for every fifty families and a Latin school for every one hundred families. Their mission was to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Write a critical appreciation of Senecas Apocolocyntosis Free Essays

Seneca ‘s Apocolocyntosis provides us with one of the richest and most unusual texts to hold emerged from Rome. The Apocolocyntosis covers the narrative of Claudius, emperor of Rome and, while it is likely that the sarcasm was composed for Saturnalia in AD54, and does non incorporate a great figure of historical truths, it does possess important artistic virtue insofar as it is rich with dual entendre and critical argument. The typical qualities to Seneca ‘s Apocolocyntosis have led critics to oppugn the cogency of the text as a work by Seneca himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Write a critical appreciation of Senecas Apocolocyntosis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Indeed, Seneca is most often known as a author of stoic philosophical treatises in a proto-Christian manner ; the Apocolocyntosis is chiefly representative of an entirely different manner. However, although these subjective responses to Seneca ‘s writing have been legion, it ‘s innately subjective nature does non travel so far as to assume that the work was written by person else. In add-on, many of the subjects in the Apocolocyntosis can be traced back through Seneca ‘s old work. Second, the rubric of the text itself is slightly deep, and is a word to depict the transmutation of a adult male into a Cucurbita pepo. Of class, in a actual sense this does non go on, although some critics have attempted to place the literary and the metaphorical togss that may hold warrant this deeply unusual rubric. This debatable rubric has led some critics to reason that the Apocolocyntosis is unfinished, or that the portion of the text where the metabolism occurs is losing. The apocolocyntosis provides a alone chance for us to look at the precise compositional nature of the Menippean sarcasm, a genre of which few texts survive. Menippean sarcasm was developed as a peculiar manner and signifier of sarcasm formulated some 300 old ages therefore by Menippus of Gadara. Its main features include are in its signifier and composing, which include a mixture of prose and poetry. The intervention of its topics is characterised by a â€Å" serio-comic † attack, where the serious implicit in subjects of the drama are obfuscated with comedic overtones. This is important both in portraying the function and the significance of the drama, every bit good as in discoursing its literary virtues. The satiric qualities of the drama focal point chiefly around the Roman province, but other subjects besides emerge and are lambasted by Seneca: historiographers are attacked from the really beginning, possibly imparting creed to the fictional manner employed by Seneca hims elf. Historians are mocked for their nonpartisanship ( 1.1 ) and besides by avoiding citations ( 9.2 ) . The usage of citations is a peculiar point in which Seneca ‘s scathing satirization flows. His usage of Homeric citations in 5.4 besides draw attending to the abuse of citations: â€Å" Claudius was really pleased that there were philologues at that place: he hoped there would be some topographic point for his ain histories. So he excessively said in Homeric poetry: ‘From Ilium the air current transporting me drove me ashore at the Kikonians ‘ † ( 5.4 ) . He continues by adding â€Å" ( But the undermentioned poetry was more true, every bit Homeric: ‘and there I sacked the metropolis and killed the people ‘ ) † The attending Seneca draws to the usage of citations to pull strings and warrant a peculiar position. The ability of Seneca to overreach Claudius is, nevertheless stating, and suggests that Claudius himself came to the throne, in many peoples eyes illicitly, on the shoulders of the Praetorian Guard. Hercules ‘ original inquiry, â€Å" Of what race of work forces are you? Where is your metropolis and your parents? † is answered in a barbed and dry manner to depict Claudius ‘s rise to power. As Fraudenberg suggests, â€Å" the inquiry posed by Hercules has, in the class of the replies offered, go a inquiry about how Claudius came to be emperor ; by ( legal ) heritage, alludes Claudius ; by ( illegal ) force, alludes the storyteller † ( 98 ) . Of class, the dismissive tone in which Seneca attacks his legitimacy via the execution of these narrative â€Å" asides † provides a rich satiric presentation of the humor Seneca was capable of. In add-on, Seneca draws attending to the difference between these two mentions to Homer – the first, a inquiry used to show exactly, is obfuscated â€Å" intelligently † by Claudius, who ab initio appears to win out on the embezzleme nt of citation until the storyteller intervenes with a citation as brash and as purportedly unprocessed as Hercules. This question of the legitimacy of Claudius is both elusive and barbarous, as it invokes attending to Claudius ‘s controversial rise to power, every bit good as the ferociousness he employed during his clip as emperor. By add-on, Hercules, who here assumes the function of the common adult male, is non ridiculed but, furthermore, is celebrated for his genuineness and his stoical attack to the usage of citation. His unfavorable judgment extends to the usage of citation by historiographers, every bit good as offering a elusive deployment of biting linguistic communication against the supposed nonpartisanship of the storyteller, who purports to be a historian despite offering a fictionalised history of Claudius ‘s reign. The complexness of the sarcasm, as to whether Seneca is mocking himself, his characters, or the state of affairss in which he finds them, are skillfully and equivocally negotiated by Seneca, whose rhetorical endowments for obfuscating, lead oning and playing with the purposes of his audience are here demonstrated with all of its biting possible. Equally good as characters themselves, and their usage of citation to add cogency to their ( illegal ) invasions of power, the formalities of argument in the Senate are besides brutally mocked and rendered absurd by Seneca ( 9.5, 11.5 ) . As such, this would impart quality to the reading that Seneca is out to mock the full political system in operation in Rome, instead than the propensities and eccentricities of one peculiar adult male. Of class, these subjects in the context of satirical plants, which lightly mock about every convention and single, can non be separated. The topic of Seneca ‘s sarcasm is Claudius himself, whose inabilit y to go a divinity is brutally and carefully dissembled and made to look farcical. The rubric of Seneca ‘s drama has provoked a ample sum of interesting argument sing its beginnings and its significance. Scholars have debated the significance of Apocolocyntosis in the rubric, and how that relates to the content of the sarcasm. The Apocolocyntosis is a drama on the ideal, with the add-on of Cucurbita pepo or gourd – literally, the word has been taken to intend â€Å" transmutation into a Cucurbita pepo or calabash † . Many have suggested that the calabash referred to in the rubric is a mention to the die box that Claudius is given. While this position has its protagonists, the metaphor seems a small stretched: Sullivan remarks that â€Å" the die box account is far fetched even for a first-century gag, and it does non run into the point about the ‘gourdification ‘ † ( 210 ) . Besides, the statement that the Apocolocyntosis is uncomplete as a text is besides a debatable one ; merely, the sarcasm, although it ends slightly sudden ly and hurriedly, ties up the secret plan and seems to non look to arouse extra scenes. One interesting statement is that the Apocolocyntosis contains a deep copiousness of â€Å" Cucurbita pepos † in the authorship: Creitz ( 1966 ) suggests that the opening sentence of the sarcasm, â€Å" Quid actum sit in caelo ante diem III, idus Octobris anno novo, initio saeculi felicissimi, volo memoriae tradere † may incorporate the concealed Cucurbita pepos in the text: â€Å" Is there any significance in the first missive, Q? Could it non be considered a kinky Cucurbita pepo or melon? † ( 202 ) . In add-on, Octobris draws attending to the missive â€Å" O † , which is a Cucurbita pepo shaped missive. In add-on October is the month for reaping Cucurbita pepos. Symbolic importance of the Cucurbita pepo may besides hold metaphorical significance in the last scene, in which the myriad of cut-off caputs may be taken as representative of Cucurbita pepos. The derogatory position of Cucurbita pepos besides draws attending to the elusive satirical devices employed by Seneca to pull attending to Claudius ‘s regulation. Creitz continues by proposing that â€Å" The sarcasm pictures a individual unwanted and deformed on Earth, undesired in Eden and even undesired in the lower universe, who, figuratively, like Cucurbita pepo seeds, purged many † ( 202 ) . While this provocative reading of the text draws attending to Seneca ‘s gaiety, it is noted that this reading does non trust to supply a historical history of Seneca ‘s existent purposes, moreover it is merely based on â€Å" what his words say to us today † ( 202 ) . Creitz argues that statements that look to show the writer ‘s purposes are likely to be subjective because small exists about Seneca ‘s purposes for the text. Other readings of the rubric of the piece expression alternatively at the nuances behind the existent significance of Apocolocyntosis ; s ome argue that it is a severely represented wordplay, intending non so much Transformation into a Cucurbita pepo and more Transformation of a pumpkin-head, a reading that would make greater analogues with the behavior of Claudius throughout the text. This is moreover given cogency by the common relationship at the clip between the word calabash and empty-headedness or folly. This, Sullivan argues, is â€Å" correspondent to the nineteenth-century association in England and the United States of the Cucurbita pepo with stupidity and ego † ( 210 ) . As such, the reading of Cucurbita pepo as stupidity prevents a actual readings of the text and focal points alternatively upon the metaphorical significance of Cucurbita pepo as stupid. The critical response to Seneca ‘s Apocolocyntosis has provoked many vindicators of Seneca ‘s work into denying that it was written by Seneca ; so, Seneca ‘s work here is radically different from other plants that he has produced, which tend towards humourless and stoical philosophical contemplation ( e.g. Letterss to Lucilus ) . In add-on, the damning of Claudius in this sarcasm does non work good with his old work, notably the Consolatio ad Polybium, which flatters Claudius. Of class, guesss over writing and genuineness of course depend to a great extent upon the given that Seneca himself had consistent sentiments about affairs. In add-on, a reading such as this denies the political function Seneca had ; so, from what is known about Seneca ‘s life, about his expatriate by Caligula and his subsequent poesy keening his expatriate, that these pieces were probably to hold been politically motivated. Sullivan remarks that Seneca ‘s â€Å" philosophical pen was barely of all time unguided by practical or political motivations † ( 212 ) . The premise environing the incompatibilities of Seneca ‘s work assumes that Seneca operated with genuineness himself ; of class, the likeliness is that Seneca himself was composing this drama in order to curry favor or to accomplish his political purposes. Incompatibility in Seneca ‘s work hence, does nil to turn out the cogency of the Apocolocyntosis as a work by Seneca. Critics have besides argued that the stylistic qualities of the Apocolocyntosis, as a visible radiation and satirical piece, appear out of topographic point in Seneca ‘s overall canon, and that the auctorial presence of Seneca is hard to identity as a consequence of this. Of class, the dismissal of the Apocolocyntosis on these evidences mask the serious implicit in political subjects of the work. The discrediting of Claudius, presumptively, satisfied some political purpose at the clip, as power shifted from Claudius to Nero. In add-on, the structural features of the Apocolocyntosis, which strictly employ Seneca ‘s typical and ample accomplishments in rhetoric and poetry, echo that of a Menippean sarcasm, which had been used extensively across Roman literature at the clip. As such, impressions of writing on evidences of incompatibility of manner can be dismissed. It is likely that the Apocolocyntosis was written hurriedly for a choice audience of a few people ; while critics have debated the relationship Seneca had to Claudius, and the incompatibilities of his attack, it is likely that this represents a more realistic portraiture of Seneca ‘s positions on Claudius – while other work flattering of Claudius was written as an effort to revoke his expatriate from Rome, the Apocolocyntosis and its scathing portraiture of Claudius is likely to stand for Seneca ‘s personal hate of Claudius. Despite the haste of its construct, the work employs and efficaciously utilises a figure of devices used by poets at the clip ; many transitions demonstrate Seneca ‘s capacity to satirise the bad poesy used by other Menippean authors ; in add-on, the subdivision praising Nero represents a aside in which Seneca shapes the narrative to include. This Aureate Age suggestion points to a more precise dating of the piece, as it was by and large accepted that the startup of a new emperor brings about a explosion of adulation. Therefore, Seneca ‘s drama can be dated to around AD54, during the clip of Nero ‘s startup. Its purpose, which is evidently an of import factor to see when discoursing Seneca ‘s work, is likely to be to discredit Claudius specifically, although some argument on philosophical evidences have suggested that Seneca was satirising the deification of all emperors instead than merely Claudius himself. The complexness of Seneca ‘s sarcasm has led to a figure of treatments about the purpose and the intent of the drama itself ; it is likely that the new epoch ushered in by Nero provided the footing for Seneca ‘s sarcasm. But there are besides sarcasms of more general, philosophical and political subjects that add grist to the factory. Seneca besides satirizes bad poets, poetic conventions and poetic linguistic communication, and utilises more conversational phrases, and even utilize these conversational phrases for the Gods themselves. The sarcasm therefore satirizes the physical stature of Claudius, but besides goes farther in its satirization of Roman civilization in general. The gaiety of the work makes it distinguishable from Seneca ‘s other work, which focuses alternatively on trying to delight Seneca ‘s many powerful disparagers and enemies. Overall, Seneca ‘s Apocolocyntosis provides us with a alone penetration into the mechanics of the Menippean sarcasm, as it provides us with the lone complete edition of such a drama. In add-on, while the drama is clearly shaped as a fictional history which attempts to jab merriment of Roman society and peculiarly of Claudius himself, it besides provides penetrations into the historical conditions that provoked the building of the drama itself. In add-on, the Apcolocyntosis besides provides us with a presentation of Seneca ‘s typical endowments for pun and elusive sarcasm, which provides us with a rich penetration into the more playful properties of this contradictory figure. While the elation of Seneca ‘s tone is unusual in the context of Seneca ‘s other plants, it besides masks more serious thematic content, notably on the abuse of rhetoric in order to acquire political addition, which is smartly satirized by the usage of Homeric citations and of historical c laims of legitimacy. The voluminous scholarship composed refering this drama has besides focussed on critical facets of the drama, notably in the map of the rubric, the mentions to Cucurbita pepos and calabashs, and of the precise map of Seneca ‘s analysis of Claudius, which radically alters by comparing to his earlier work. Overall, the penetrations offered, the considerable literary virtues of the work, and the critical treatments of this work have sparked a great trade of contention environing this unusual drama ; while argument continues over the genuineness, the quality and the authorization of this work, it besides provides us with alone penetrations into both the building of sarcasms in this manner, of the conversational manner used at the clip of its Hagiographas, and of the historical conditions that surrounded its creative activity. How to cite Write a critical appreciation of Senecas Apocolocyntosis, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal Review Essay Example

The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal Review Paper Essay on The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal To begin with standard story how it got to me: buy at the store, along with two same outstanding books (collection of short stories by STALKER game and that some of Coelho). And one more digression, I love the wonderful writer Bret Easton Ellis and his novel Glamorama in which glamorous life of stars and models literally takes off into the air So, in essence:. An ugly Fiction , cheap dummy of the Moscow-Rublev glamor. I understand Minaev good businessman, but not a writer, and he writes his books exclusively for people who do not read books because any person who is even slightly aware of contemporary literature, simply can not digest it. The story of a young, beautiful and TP journalist who cheated heifers, and about how it was punished for it. A full set of stamps: Vert, corporate, glossy, cocaine, clubs. In general, all for you, for everyone who is very well want to take a closer look modern Dolce Vita. Against this background, especially funny look author attempts to introduce some kind of morality, this um .. work. Art style, the literary language, elementary proof does not exist in principle, cheap plot. All of this probably would not be so terrible, but as you read, I kept thinking, well, why it is so similar to Glamorama Ellis? Minaev really just did not expect that his reader is quite well-read? and somewhere in the middle, I fou nd an interesting passage: the hero reads Glamorama, says it is a great book, and compares himself with Victor Ward ( Glamorama the protagonist). CURTAIN. Otherwise as a mockery of the reader, I can not call it. He not only all the debit Ellis, but plain text talks about it, those who do not understand. We will write a custom essay sample on The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The heifers. A Tale of Love unreal Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ps. And from Lacalut pasta I now feel sick. In conclusion, I advise everyone to see the transfer GordonKihot involving Minaeva, where he says he is, in general, and not a writer, and can not write, and books made with using some writers program. Well, in general, we can assess its level of culture and education.